How to Get Unbanned From Tinder Using These 6 Simple Steps

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Getting banned on Tinder is, unfortunately, quite common, even when you haven’t actually broken any rules. We’ve seen dozens of posts of people getting unwarranted bans and looking for ways to get unbanned.

If you’ve found yourself in a similar predicament, you’re probably looking for a working method to get unbanned. But, no need to worry, as we’ll provide you with all the necessary steps you need to do to get unbanned.

Let’s have a look at those steps!

Can You Get Unbanned From Tinder?

Yes! It seems to be possible based on others’ experiences even though Tinder’s official statement is that they do not appeal bans.

But there is no guarantee that Tinder will remove the ban from your account.

Why Did I Get Banned on Tinder in the First Place?

Before we can start talking about how you can appeal to get unbanned from Tinder, it’s important to understand why you were banned in the first place.

Tinder has several rules to keep their platform safe for everyone. Usually, the most common reasons for bans are fake profiles, spam, posting/sharing inappropriate pictures, hate/racist comments, and overall any kind of offensive content or messages.

Sharing Inappropriate Images

You can’t send photos in Tinder messages, but you can upload photos to your profile, and this is where many people drop the ball.

On Tinder, you can’t upload any kind of “NSFW” photos. So, no nudity or violent content. Furthermore, uploading photos of you as a minor is also a big no-no.

To avoid breaking any of these rules, you’ll want to upload simple selfies or group photos of yourself. You can use our AI Enhanced Photos service to create photos that are acceptable on Tinder.

Fake Profiles

While it might seem like a fun idea to create a fake profile to talk to random people on the Internet, Tinder doesn’t like this idea. The platform is already full of bots and scammers, so Tinder is trying to keep the platform clean and its users safe.

To avoid getting banned, make sure to use photos of yourself, share correct information, and build a proper profile. You can use our free Profile Writer to help you do that.

Hateful Language

This rule is quite self-explanatory. Tinder aims to be a safe platform for everyone, so sending any kind of hateful or racist messages to people will result in a ban.

Adding such content to your bio will also get you a ban. Instead, you’ll want to build an authentic bio to avoid getting banned and to increase your chances of getting a response.


We already mentioned that Tinder is riddled with bots, so being a spammer can also net you a ban. Avoid sending any unwanted links or spammy content, especially to matches you haven’t chatted with before. They might report your behaviour which will lead to a ban.

You should also try to use different conversation starters to avoid spam bans. This will also increase your chances for a response, so it’s a win-win.

How to Get Unbanned on Tinder?

To get unbanned, you will need to send an appeal on Tinder. To help you, we’ll explain step-by-step exactly what you need to do.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Ban

First things first. You need to figure out why you’ve been banned. You can do this by exploring the usual ban reasons and the rules behind Tinder.

If you haven’t broken any of the rules and you believe that your ban was an error, it is likely that you will get unbanned once you send your appeal.

If you know that you have broken some rules, keep in mind that you might not get your ban removed. But, it doesn’t hurt to try sending an appeal.

Step 2: Contacting Tinder’s Support

Now, it’s time to get in contact with Tinder’s support, where you can send your appeal.

To do that, go to Tinder’s request page, here.

Then under “What can we help with?” select “Trouble with account login.” This will open up the “What’s going on?” option in which you must select “Can’t login, my account was banned.”

Fill out the empty fields with your email address and phone number.

Now onto the next and most important step!

Step 3: Creating Your Appeal

This is what will determine if you get your ban removed or not, so be extra careful.

Your appeal should be a clear and concise message for the support team explaining why you should be unbanned from Tinder.

If you believe your ban was unwarranted, provide evidence in your appeal to increase your chances of an unban. You can also add attachments like screenshots to further help your cause.

However, if you know that you got banned for a reason, the best thing you can do is be respectable, admit to your mistakes, offer an apology, and promise that you will not repeat those same mistakes.

Step 4: Wait For A Response

Not much to do now after sending your appeal other than wait. Tinder is a huge platform, so it’s probably going to take days or maybe even weeks to get a response.

Make sure to frequently check your email because this is where you will get a response to your appeal. Don’t forget to check your spam folder as well!

If you don’t see a response after 10-14 days, we suggest sending another appeal. Just make sure to make the second one as unique as the first one. Don’t just copy and paste the old appeal.

Step 5: Avoid Breaking The Rules Next Time

If you are lucky enough to get unbanned, this is the most important step you have to keep in mind. Learn the rules of Tinder and avoid breaking the rules to continue using the platform.

Alternative Solution: Try a Different Platform

If Tinder does not respond and you don’t get the ban lifted from Tinder, that doesn’t mean you should give up on the idea of online dating. There are plenty of other online dating apps like Hinge, Bumble, Badoo, OkCupid, and others.

Of course, some are better than others, but it is up to you to test them and see which one works best for you.


Can I appeal a Tinder ban immediately after receiving it?

Yes, you can immediately appeal the Tinder ban after you receive it. There is no need to wait. The faster you send your appeal, the faster you can get back on Tinder.

Will deleting and reinstalling Tinder lift the ban?

No, deleting and reinstalling Tinder will not lift the ban. The only way to lift a ban is by sending an appeal to Tinder’s support team.

How long does it take for Tinder to respond to a ban appeal?

The wait time for a Tinder response for a ban appeal is anywhere between 5 to 14 days.


We hope all the information we’ve provided and the step-by-step guide will help you get unbanned from Tinder. Even if Tinder doesn’t lift the ban from your account, don’t lose hope because you can still continue using other dating apps that are just as good or maybe even better than Tinder.

If you do get unbanned, consider using our Tinder Profile Generator, or Profile Writer to optimize your profile and remove any unwanted content that might break Tinder’s TOS for free.

Our Profile Review is also a good way to completely revamp your Tinder profile, especially when paired with photos that go through our AI Enhanced Photos service.

And, once you get back into chatting up matches, refer to our blog for 1000+ pick up lines or our Chat Assistant to provide you with the right response for every response you get.