Hinge vs Bumble: ¡El mejor duelo de aplicaciones de citas!

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Forget gladiators in the Colosseum; the hottest competition of the 21st century happens on dating apps. Every day on these sites, there's a quest for love, and hearts are won (and lost) with a single swipe!

Today, we've put two of the most popular dating apps together: Hinge Vs Bumble. In our left hand, we have the self-proclaimed “designed to be deleted app,” Hinge. On the right, we have Bumble, the unconventional love app where ladies make the first move. 

We'll compare both platforms and end the age-old debate: Is Hinge better than Bumble? In this review, we'll look at their features, differences, and pros and cons. Ultimately, you'll be able to determine which is best for you. 

Hinge Vs Bumble- A Little History

Hinge and Bumble are both popular dating apps in 2024. Both are seasoned veterans in the dating scene, having lasted for at least a decade. Before we go into the Bumble vs Hinge debate proper, let's do a little history on both apps for context. 

Hinge Dating App

Created in 2012, Hinge is the brainchild of Justin McLeod and his team. It started as a platform connected to Facebook where users could list which of their Facebook friends they were crushing on. It later evolved into the mobile dating app as we know it. 

Match Group, an online dating conglomerate, acquired Hinge in 2018. Under the company's leadership, Hinge's revenue grew from $8 million in 2018 to $284 million in 2022. Hinge has grown to focus on creating meaningful relationships, earning its place as “the relationship app.”

Bumble Dating App

Described as a “feminist dating app,” Bumble was born in 2014. It was created by Whitney Wolfe Herde after she left her position as VP of marketing at Tinder. Bumble quickly gained popularity for its women-centric approach, providing a platform where females take the lead in initiating conversations. Beyond dating, Bumble expanded its services to include Bumble BFF for friendships and Bumble Bizz for professional networking.

Hinge Vs. Bumble App Review 

Hinge vs Bumble review

Both Hinge and Bumble have obvious differences. For instance, while guys could use clever hinge openers to get dates, they'd have to wait for women to make the first move on Bumble. There are also many other factors that show the clear difference between hinge and bumble. Here are a few:

Setting Up Your Profile

One of the key differences between Hinge and Bumble is the profile setup. On Hinge, you are provided with prompts to answer, which allows you to showcase your personality and interests. Bumble, on the other hand, follows a more traditional format, where you create a profile by adding photos and writing a brief "About Me" section. 

On both Bumble and Hinge, however, your profile could make or mar you. The better you can avoid some horrible dating profile mistakes, the higher your chances. Fortunately, you don't need to sweat it; Profile Writer can get the job done in 30 seconds. All you need to do is answer a few questions, sit back, and watch your profile transform into a “match magnet.”

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Matching Dynamics

On Bumble, the woman typically initiates the conversation in heterosexual pairings, and then the man has 24 hours to respond. The site uses the traditional swiping format to match profiles. 

Hinge, on the other hand, allows anyone to make the first move. Also, instead of the “swipe” format, Hinge uses a “liking” method to match profiles. It also includes the "Most Compatible" and "Standouts" features, which help to offer curated match suggestions. 

User Intent

In the Bumble Vs Hinge war, another separating factor between both apps is user intent. Hinge caters to individuals seeking long-term relationships with prompts that emphasize self-expression. Bumble’s diverse modes, however, cater to various intentions ranging from casual encounters to serious relationships. 

Check out some of the best dating app openers for Bumble and Hinge

Bumble Premium Vs Hinge Premium

Bumble Premium and Hinge Premium offer different features to enhance the user experience. Here are their various offerings and prices:

Bumble Premium:

Bumble homepage

Price: $19.99/week, $39.99/month, $76.99/3 months, and $229.99/lifetime

  • Unlimited Advanced filters
  • Access to the Beeline to see admirers
  • Travel mode
  • Backtrack
  • Ability to extend time on current matches
  • Rematch with expired users
  • Five SuperSwipes per week
  • Incognito Mode

H4- Hinge Premium

Price: $29.99/month

  • No daily “likes” limit
  • Seeing everyone who "liked" you
  • Unlocking advanced preferences
  • Advanced sorting options

While the paid features are helpful, they certainly can't help you find more matches and dates. Your profile needs to be good enough to attract mates, and that's where the Profile Review tool comes in. Let our team of experts take one look at your profile and give it a fresh paint that'll get you more matches overnight!

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User Base

If the Hinge Vs Bumble debate were based on popularity, Bumble would have the crown. With 50 million users compared to Hinge’s 23 million users, Bumble is definitely more popular. While 72% of Bumble users are under 35, Hinge is mainly utilized by singles between the ages of 22 and 26. 

Approximately 67% of Bumble users were men, and 33% were women as of March 2021. On the other hand, around 64 percent of Hinge users are men, and 36% are women as of March 2023.

Bumble vs. Hinge Quick Comparison

Vector image of a couple

Now, let's quickly compare both apps to finally answer the question, “What's the difference between Bumble and Hinge?”


  • Empowers women to make the first move
  • Both parties must swipe right for a match
  • Requires linking to Facebook or phone number
  • Women initiate conversations after a match
  • Limited bio space, focus on photos
  • Used for dating, friendships, and networking


  • Designed to be deleted, fostering serious connections
  • Based on liking specific parts of a profile, providing more context
  • More detailed prompts for a holistic profile
  • More flexibility for starting conversations
  • Prompts encourage users to share more about themselves
  • Emphasizes finding long-term relationships

Hinge Vs Bumble: Pros and Cons 

While both Bumble and Hinge are great options for searching singles, it's important to know their pros and cons to avoid surprises. 



  • Hinge prompts users to share more about themselves, leading to more comprehensive profiles.
  • Since users can like and comment on specific parts of a profile, there are more chances for natural Hinge conversation starters.
  • Marketed as the app to be deleted, Hinge focuses on fostering meaningful connections and long-term relationships
  • Users have more flexibility in initiating conversations.


  • Compared to some larger dating apps, Hinge's user base might be smaller in certain locations.
  • The detailed profile prompts on Hinge may lead some users to overthink their responses. Thankfully, Profile Writer solves this issue, helping you spend less time writing your profile and more time actually dating. 



  • Bumble empowers women by allowing them to make the first move in heterosexual matches.
  • The platform can be used for everything from dating to friendships to professional networking.
  • Bumble offers photo verification options, enhancing user trust and safety.
  • The swiping system allows for quick matches, appealing to users who prefer a more traditional approach.


  • The limited space for bios may lead to less detailed profiles.
  • With women being in charge of initiating conversations, there may be fewer overall interactions.

Hinge Vs Bumble: Which Should You Choose?

A man holding a phone to open a dating app

Choosing between Hinge and Bumble depends on your preferences and what you're looking for in a dating app. So…

Choose Hinge If:

  • Prefieres una configuración de perfil más detallada para mostrar tu personalidad.
  • Las conexiones significativas y las relaciones a largo plazo son su enfoque principal.
  • Aprecias una variedad de indicaciones que fomentan respuestas reflexivas.
  • La flexibilidad para iniciar conversaciones es importante para usted.

Elige Bumble si:

  • Valoras una plataforma que permite a las mujeres dar el primer paso.
  • Quieres una plataforma versátil que vaya más allá de las citas.
  • Es preferible un sistema de deslizamiento.
  • La verificación fotográfica y las funciones de seguridad son una prioridad para ti.

Veredicto final

Para resolver el debate entre Hinge y Bumble de una vez por todas, este es nuestro veredicto: ambas aplicaciones son geniales, dependiendo de tus preferencias. Con Hinge, tienes más posibilidades de crear conexiones más significativas. Bumble, sin embargo, es más versátil y da la oportunidad de citas a las mujeres.

Cualquiera que elijas, recuerda que tu biografía y foto de perfil son tus posibilidades de causar una primera impresión. Nuestro Fotos mejoradas con IA La herramienta puede ayudar a crear versiones llamativas de tus imágenes originales, haciéndote irresistible para tus posibles parejas. Una vez que consigas una coincidencia, puedes intentarlo Asistente de chat para crear temas de conversación atractivos y respuestas que te mantendrán en su mente todo el día.