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How Long Should the Talking Stage Last?

Navigate the talking stage in dating with our comprehensive guide! Learn how long it should last, key signs to move forward, and practical steps to make your relationship official.

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How Long Should the Talking Stage Last?

People often refer to the talking stage as the period of time when two people are still getting to know each other. Often this is through texting, before you decide to delve into anything deeper. It’s a much better alternative than jumping right into an unsteady relationship that lacks many of the foundations needed to be healthy and long.

However, in some situationships, it might seem like the talking stage is going on for too long. If you’ve found yourself in such a predicament, you’re probably wondering what needs to be done to move on from this stage.

Wonder no further, because in this article we’ll tell you how long the talking stage should be, signs that you should move past the talking stage, and how to pull it all off!

Let’s get to it!

How Long Should a Talking Stage Be?

The talking stage can last anywhere between 1-2 weeks to 2-3 months. However, it may last longer depending on various factors.

For example, if you’re going on dates, or often talking on the phone, it’s normal for the talking stage to last up to 6-12 months.

To find out whether it’s time to move on to the next step, let’s have a look at some of the signs you can spot.

Signs to Consider If You Want to Move Past the Talking Stage

During the talking stage, you should be able to notice a variety of signs that can tell you whether it’s time to move past the talking stage, keep it going, or end the conversation altogether.

Here are the most apparent signs:

1. They’re Insisting On Dates

The clearest sign that your chat partner is looking to move past the talking stage is if they insist on going on dates, or just seeing you in general.

This is a good thing!

This means they want you to be together more often and maybe even enter a relationship. Things will get serious from here on out, so it’s time to reduce the texting and increase your number of dates.

2. They Are Not Ready For A Relationship

If they’ve been transparent about their relationship interests and told you they’re not ready for a relationship, this means it’s not the best time to move past the talking stage and you should wait a couple of weeks.

But, keep in mind that this kind of mindset can be a double-edged sword. If they’re not interested in anything serious at all, while you want the exact opposite, it might be a good idea to probe into this topic a bit more.

If you can’t seem to find a middle ground to take the next step, you might need to end things.

3. They’re Unresponsive

The whole point of the talking stage is to find out as many things about each other as you can. Through texts, you can find out their backstory, ambitions, interests, and future plans. This is what will help you figure out if this person is the one.

However, if you’re barely texting each other throughout the day and you feel like they’re going through the motions of responding, it’s likely this talking stage won’t turn into anything more.

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4. They’re Very Active Throughout The Talking Stage

If the talking stage has been going on for 2 or 3 weeks, or more, and you’re both still very active in your texting, then this is a sign that you might need to move past the talking stage.

Of course, if you’re not ready yet, you can keep it going for a couple of weeks as well to get to know them even better since you’re quite active with your texting either way.

READ: 15 Ways on How to Keep a Conversation Going Over Text

5. You’re Often Calling Each Other

This is a clear sign that both of you are into each other and interested in a lot more than just texting. You’re already talking on the phone so often, so why not turn those calls into real-life conversations?

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6. They Have Feelings For You

For some people, expressing their feelings for someone in the talking stage might be too much (too early). However, it’s not impossible to catch feelings in this stage of dating.

If you feel the same way toward them then this is a very strong sign that you should be looking to move into a relationship.

If not, you should be clear with your intentions, and, if needed, end the talking stage altogether to prevent anyone from getting hurt.

With these signs in mind, we should now have a look at what you can do to move past the talking stage!

How Do You Move Past the Talking Stage to Making It Official?

If you’ve found clear signs that it’s time to make things official, here are a couple of steps you can follow to streamline the process:

1. Invite Them On A Date

If you haven’t been on a date already, your first step should be to suggest an outing. A date shows that you’re confident in this relationship you’re building, and that you want to take things further.

2. Explain That You Want To Make Things Official

If the date went well as expected (you both had a good time/you kissed), it’s time to utilize that spark you created between you two.

Explain how much you enjoyed seeing them, or that you just generally enjoyed the date, and that you want more of that in the future. Next, tell them that you’re interested in taking things further, making things official.

3. Don’t Let The Fire Die Down

You’ve done the hard part now! You went on a date that went well, you explained your needs and wants, and if they reciprocated their feeling,  it’s now time to take things seriously.

Remember that you’re not in the talking stage anymore, so you have to invest a lot more time in dinners, drinks, and activities you can do together. Don’t let the fire down by showing her just how invested you are in this newly formed relationship!

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What are green flags in the talking stage?

The most common green flags in the talking stage are when they:

  • Often start the conversation.
  • The questions between you two flow naturally.
  • They’re responsive.
  • They respect your boundaries.
  • You start making plans together.
  • You finally feel free to be honest.

What are red flags in the talking stage?

Red flags in the talking stage include:

  • Talking often about their ex.
  • Insulting their ex.
  • They’re often sharing controversial opinions.
  • Making distasteful remarks.
  • Ghosting you.

What are the best practices for boundaries in the talking stage?

The best practice for boundaries in the talking stage is to avoid sensitive topics until you get to know each other better.

Generally, you want to avoid talking about your past relationships, sex in general or previous sexual experiences, strong political opinions, family problems, etc.

What Should I Do If They Don’t Want to Move Past the Talking Stage?

When the person you’re talking with isn’t ready to move past the talking stage any time soon, you should end things here. You can’t and shouldn’t try to force anyone into a relationship they don’t want to have.

However, you shouldn’t fret. You just figured out that this isn’t the person for you, and the one that is for you is still out there.

So, don’t wait and get back out there! To make your online dating journey simpler, you can use our free Profile Writer services to improve your Tinder bio for more responsive matches. You can also try our Profile Review service to completely revamp your profile.

Or, you can refer to our blog to help you get to know people better, at a much quicker pace. And, finally, to streamline the online dating process, you can try out our AI Dating Assistant.

We hope that our guide and services will help you achieve your goals and find the love of your life!

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