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The secret to starting text conversations

A 1-2-3 guide to writing better conversation openers, to create richer more interesting conversations and drive better outcomes for you

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The secret to starting text conversations

You know that feeling ...... You’re exhausted from a busy day. You sprawl on your couch, whip out your phone, and start scrolling through dating profiles.

You see someone you like, but your mind becomes mush. You can’t seem to squeeze out those “perfect” words to start that conversation. Shit….

84% of first messages don’t get a response. If each message takes two minutes to write, it quickly adds up. You could be spending over 60 minutes a day crafting openers, just to squeak out a few responses.

When people say they “just give up” on dating apps, I totally get it. What if we could 2.5X those odds? What if we could cut your writing time in half and got you more responses?


The secret: personalization. And since we’re math nerds, we broke personalization down to a formula:

Personalization = Connection + Value + Question


Details creates connection. Generalities breed silence. The next person that texts me "hey how are you", please buy me a new phone because I might as well throw my phone against the wall. Kidding. Kinda.....

Details make you unique. Connection forms when the uniqueness of two personalities, fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces. Cheesy, but it's true.

So the key here, is to comment on a specific detail of their profile:

Detail: Photography
Comment: I was just at Venice beach and captured the perfect sunset shot during golden hour.


Nobody likes takers. The people ask for things, never giving anything in return. Don't be that person.

The best relationships are when both parties bring value to each other. Value is anything that can make the other person’s life better. Often, it's in the form of expertise, knowledge, connections and fun. Here, we're giving value by sharing a cool spot to take photos:

Detail: Photography
Comment: Heard Venice beach is the BEST place to catch sunset photos during golden hour.


Last, we need to make it easy for the other person to respond. But no hey how are you 's. These questions need to be specific and easy to respond to:

Detail: Photography
Comment: Have you been to Venice beach? It’s hands down the BEST place to catch sunset photos during golden hour.

Reduce the amount of friction it takes for the other person to respond and you'll increase your response rate.

Luckily, we built this into

Here's how to use it.

The Sniper Method

Select Openers on the top selection bar and enter the detail you want to generate an opener for

If you’d like to adjust the style, intensity press the Settings button. You can also turn on curiosity mode, which formulates the output as a question.

Wait a few seconds, and watch the app generate 3 creative conversation starters applying these three principles.  

Not happy with your results? Press regenerate and get 3 more. Try it out here.

The Screenshot Method

If you have a profile or existing conversation, you can screenshot it and let us do the work for you.

Just screenshot it and upload the screenshot here.

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Psst, want more personalized pickup lines?

YourMove’s AI can generate pickup lines that is sure to get her attention.

  1. Go to Chat Assistant
  2. Pick your tone - Flirty, Friendly or maybe Feisty?
  3. Copy & Paste your pickup line!
Chat AssistantScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Chat Assistant

Psst, have a terrible bio? Want to fix it?

YourMove’s AI creates bios that is sure to get her attention.

  1. Go to Profile Writer
  2. Pick your tone - Flirty, Thoughtful or maybe Feisty?
  3. Copy & Paste your bio!
Profile WriterScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Profile Writer

Psst, not getting enough matches? Get your profile reviewed

YourMove’s AI reviews your bio and photos and creates an improvement plan to get you more matches.

  1. Go to Profile Review
  2. Add your bio and photos
  3. Get your improvement plan!
Profile ReviewScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Profile Review