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42 Best Tinder Bios For Serious Relationships | YourMove AI

Tired of hollow, meaningless hookups? Ready for something real? This guide on Tinder bios for serious relationships will teach you exactly how to attract serious matches.

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42 Best Tinder Bios For Serious Relationships | YourMove AI

Tell me if this sounds relatable: 

You spend hours shamelessly swiping on Tinder to find your “one true love”.

You’re swiping in bed, you’re swiping on the toilet, and you’re swiping at work. 

And you know what? It sucks. 

Because most times, you don’t even find what you’re looking for. 

And the few golden times you do? you’re hit with that annoying “DTF?” message.

It happens once, it happens twice, and eventually, you get sick of it. So you decide, you want to re-do your Tinder profile so it screams: “Serious relationships ONLY” 

But just as you’re about to do so, you realize you might also scare off some good matches with a strong “I want a serious relationship” stance in your bio. 

What’s the right move then? How do you strike the right balance? 

Well, it’s tricky- but the good news is: YourMove AI is here to help you with exactly that.

In this post, we will share 42 cherry-picked Tinder bios that’ll get you serious matches. 

Later, we’ll also share some really important guidelines for those who want to learn the craft for themselves. Let’s dive in!

42 Best Tinder Bios For Serious Relationships In 2024

To help you find the kind of bio you’re looking for, we’ve organized this list of bios according to their approach i.e., funny, witty, flirty, playful, hobby-based, and more. 

If you already know what vibe you want to go for, by all means, skip to that section using our table of contents. 

However, if you want to switch it up and try something new, we strongly recommend reading through our complete list. 

7 Best Funny & Witty Tinder Bios For Serious Relationships in 2024

Funny and witty Tinder Bios are popular for a good reason: they work

Why? Because they evoke emotion. 

Just read this deleted user’s comment on the Reddit thread: “What are some non-cringe tinder bios I can steal” 

A Reddit user sharing a funny Tinder bio they came across.

It’s a shame it didn’t work out between those two, but the thing to notice here is that their ex’s bio made them laugh (it evoked emotion), which landed a strong first impression (and probably) made swiping right a no-brainer. 

Here are our top picks of funny and witty Tinder bios that’ll help you get serious matches in 2024:

  1. Only swipe right if you go to therapy. 

Two birds, one stone- that’s what we love about this bio. 

On the one hand, it lightens the mood by addressing a common problem faced by Tinder users: matching with people who’ve clearly never stepped into therapy. 

On the other hand, it also does the job of declaring your preference for emotionally intelligent, mature, and serious individuals upfront. 

  1. Let me know if you want me to text first.

Like the first one, this bio will help you get serious matches in two ways. First, by making your matches laugh, and second, by giving them something to start a conversation with- Don’t be surprised if your DMs fill up with “I’d like you to text me first” messages. 

  1. If I were a fruit, I’d be a fine-apple, but If I were a vegetable, would you visit me in the hospital?

If this doesn’t make them laugh and swipe right, they’re not worth it. Period. 

  1. Well, here I am… what are you going to do with your other two wishes?

This bio will do a really good job of disarming your potential matches on Tinder. It’s witty, it’s funny, it’s flirty, and it closes with a question- allowing your matches to buy into the bit and strike up a conversation with you. 

  1. Dating me is like finding an extra chicken nugget in your McDonald’s.

The thing about tooting your own horn on Tinder is that it’s one of the fastest ways to “ick” your potential matches out, if you do it in an unironically cliche manner, that is.

That’s what this bio does a great job of avoiding: being cliche. 

Your matches are bound to be impressed at your wit for comparing your company to happiness as mundane as finding an extra chicken McNugget. 

  1. I’ll treat you the way Kanye treats Kanye.

The key to good wit is making unexpected connections between different pieces of information and combining them to make your point in a way not many would. 

You want to tell your matches you'll treat them well? 


But do the same thing by referencing Kanye West’s well-established love for himself? Suddenly, you’re funny, cultured, and unique. 

  1. Looking for someone sweet- only so the mosquitos 🦟 get you instead of me.


What we love about this bio is that it makes the reader go “aww” right before revealing your true agenda: saving yourself from mosquitoes. That’s what’s so disarming about it. 

Example of A Successful Funny & Witty Tinder Bio

Here’s what a funny and witty bio would look like on your profile from the perspective of a potential match, so you get a sense of how they would come across it: 

A Tinder profile mockup with a funny and witty bio to attract serious matches.

7 Best Flirty Tinder Bios For Serious Relationships in 2024

For those of you who appreciate a good flirt, here are seven of our best flirty Tinder bio picks. 

We want to caution you though: having too strong of a flirty vibe might attract matches who are looking for something casual, not serious. 

To avoid this, make sure you don’t choose a flirty bio that’s too superficial or suggests you’re looking to hook up. So avoid bios like: “I love my bed, but I think I’d like yours too”

Instead, strike a balance between flirting and showing personality- just the way these bios do:

  1. I’m worth deleting this app for.

Don’t tell people you’re a “keeper” by literally spelling it out. 

Instead, take a page off of Hinge’s playbook and tell them you’ll make them want to delete the app. 

That’s how you tell people you’re looking for something serious without coming across too strongly. 

  1. Swipe right if you want to make your friends jealous.

Like the first one, this bio does a great job of letting you call yourself a catch without coming across as boring, cliche, unoriginal, or full of yourself. 

Instead, you’d be appealing to the great feeling you get when you have the best partner in your friend circle (come on… you know what we mean).

  1. I’m great with numbers, so maybe you should give me yours📲.

Honestly, it’s a hit or miss with this one. Granted it’s cliche, but it does have good potential to get you your match’s phone number so you can get a nice conversation flowing on text (we can’t be the only ones who feel Tinder chats are a bit high-pressure, right?).

By the way, if you need help coming up with witty responses to your match’s texts, our free AI-powered chat assistant tool can help. 

  1. Describe your ideal first date, and I'll make it happen. 

If you’re going to have a flirty Tinder bio on your profile, please let it be this one- especially if you’re a guy. 

What’s great about this line is that it flatters the reader by taking a genuine interest in their preferences, and then takes it a step further by promising you’ll actually make the effort to “make it happen.”

Definitely a powerful way to attract all those hopeless romantics out there.

As a bonus, you don’t have to navigate those uncomfortable “what should we do for our first date” conversations. You’ll have it all sorted out for you. 

  1. I’ll delete Google if you swipe right- because you’re everything I'm searching for.

We’ll admit this is cliche, but we still think this bio can be really flattering. 

Plus, remember how we told you to avoid flirty bios that suggest you’re looking to hook up? This one is a good alternative. 

  1. Here: Have some water💧- You must be tired of running through my mind all day. 

We love the clever wordplay in this one. Pun enthusiasts on Tinder will definitely appreciate you for this. 

  1. My Kink is when someone takes a genuine interest in me.

This bio is guaranteed to make everyone go: “Aw I wish I thought of that” when they see it on your profile.

It’s witty and it communicates your preference for a deeper connection all the while keeping things light and playful.

Example of A Successful Flirty Bio 

Here’s an example of what a flirty Tinder bio would look like on your profile, so you get a sense of how it would come across:

A Tinder profile mockup with a flirty bio to attract long-term partners.

7 Best Interest & Hobby-Based Bios For Serious Relationships in 2024

Let’s pause for a second and think about how people use Tinder. 

When people swipe through Tinder, they mostly only see your pictures, your name, and your age.

It is only when they like what they see that they tap on your picture to read through the rest of your profile. 

This means that when other users are viewing your Tinder profile (like in the mockup we’ve shared above), they’re probably already sold on your looks, and that what they’re looking for now is the other secret ingredient: Your personality. 

This is what makes your bio so important. It’s the only section of your profile where you get the chance to express yourself in your own words and let your unique personality shine through.

This is why if you use that space to say something unoriginal and cliche, potential matches get turned off and swipe left. 

So, we strongly recommend using that space to tell users about your interests, hobbies, likes, and dislikes, so you attract matches with similar or compatible interests. 

Here is what Reddit user “thisismynewera” from the subreddit r/Tinder has to say about Tinder bios that actually work: 

A Reddit user’s testimony to preferring interest/ hobby-based bios on Tinder.

We hope this was enough to convince you of the importance and effectiveness of keeping an interest- or hobby-based Tinder bio. Here are seven of our best picks for you: 

  1. Swipe right if you’re looking for someone who can make great lasagna and even better dad jokes. 

A partner who can cook and make terrible dad jokes? Easiest right swipe ever. Before you use this one though, just remember to replace “Lasagna” with whatever dish you make best.  

  1. I’ve got a pile of early 2000s rom-coms to binge with our names on it.

If you’re a sucker for early 2000s rom-coms and dream of binge-watching them with your future partner, stop dreaming and put this bio up on Tinder. 

  1. Looking for someone to send my Wordle score to every morning.

One of the best things about being in a serious relationship? You have someone to send your Wordle score to every day. Die-hard Wordle fans on Tinder will definitely appreciate this one. 

  1. I like to get out of the house every once in a while to remind myself why I never go out Swipe right if you wanna stay in and watch movies together! 

If you’re introverted and would pick a cozy night of bingeing movies over going out any day, let your potential matches know upfront, so you attract those who share the same preference. 

  1. Sucker for good coffee, road trips, and reading the last chapter of the books first- will explain if you buy the first round.

This Tinder bio is a great way to share your interests and get people curious about you. 

If you have an odd habit that most people wouldn’t understand at first glance, share it the way this bio does, so you can leverage their intrigue to make them swipe right. 

  1. Share an underrated song that slaps and I’m yours.

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who say it boringly, and those who say it with wit. 

Be the second kind. 

If you’re into music, don’t simply spell it out and say “I like music.”

Boo! That’s lame.  

Make it interesting like this bio does, and you’ll find more people engaging with you instantly. At the very least, you’ll get introduced to some good underrated music out there. 

  1. Writer, plant enthusiast, and weekend adventurer- is somebody gonna match my freak?

Pop culture references can always win you some extra brownie points. Leverage them right like this bio does and you’ll win dates left, right, and center.

Example of A Successful Interest-based Tinder Bio

Here’s an example of what an interest- or hobby-based bio would look like on your Tinder profile:

A Tinder profile mockup with an interest-based bio to attract long-term partners.

7 Best Playful & Game-Based Bios For Serious Relationships in 2024

Earlier in this post, we mentioned why it’s so important to choose a Tinder bio that evokes emotion. Game-based bios are an excellent way to do that. Here are our top seven picks:

  1. Make me a playlist so I know it's real.

Having a game-based bio doesn’t necessarily mean posting an actual game on your bio. It can be something as simple as having your match make a Spotify playlist for you. 

If you’re into music and would appreciate a partner who has good taste, this bio will be an excellent way to steer your first conversation in that direction. 

  1. Coffee's on me if you can beat me at Mario Kart.

Buying your date coffee is sweet, but you know what’s fun? Making them work for it. 

Challenge your date to a couple of Mario Kart games on your first date and make it memorable. 

Just remember to not be a jerk if they lose; buy them coffee anyway.

  1. Tell me the most ridiculous conspiracy theory you believe in, and I'll tell you mine.

The great thing about having a playful bio on Tinder is that it helps you move away from all those awkward icebreaker conversations with your matches. 

That’s what this bio does well. It gives your match (and you) the opportunity to talk about something that you don’t normally get to talk about.

The only catch with this bio is that if you reveal that you buy into some ridiculous conspiracy theory, you’ll probably “ick” your match out. 

  1. Promise I'll peel oranges for you

Playful, thoughtful, and sweet. It’s that simple.

  1. Two truths and a lie.

Two Truths and a Lie is probably one of the most popular conversational games people play on Tinder. 

And you know what? It’s popular for a good reason.

It’s a game that lets you have a funny and memorable conversation with your match all the while giving both of you the opportunity to learn more about each other. 

Just remember to put a lot of thought into the three statements you choose- the game is only as fun as you make it. 

  1. Okay, let's settle this: Ross and Rachel- were they really on a break?

Evoke nostalgia and have a fun debate for your first conversation by putting this bio up on your profile. 

Matches who used to be invested in the Ross vs Rachel debate back when the show Friends was popular will definitely take you up on this question. 

  1. Let's play a game: you tell me about your worst date, and I'll tell you about mine (I'll win)

If you’re tired of having the same awkward icebreaker conversations over and over again on Tinder, try posting this bio on your profile. 

We guarantee it’ll lead to funny and memorable first conversations with your Tinder matches. 

If you haven’t had any hilariously terrible first dates though, we’d recommend skipping this bio because the whole idea behind it is for it to prompt a funny conversation.

Example of A Successful Playful or Game-Based Tinder Bio  

Want to get a sense of the “vibe” your profile would give off with a game-based bio? Here’s a mockup that’ll help:

A Tinder profile mockup with a playful bio to attract serious relationships.

7 Best Tinder Bios For Guys To Attract Serious Matches in 2024

There are no strict rules when it comes to choosing a bio based on your gender, but some bios definitely tend to work better for guys than girls and vice versa. 

In this section, we’ll share our top picks of Tinder bios for guys who want to attract serious matches. 

In the next section, we’ll do the same for girls.

So what do women prefer when it comes to men’s bios on Tinder? Well, someone posted that exact question on the subreddit r/dating_advice.

We read through all the answers and we think this one by Reddit user “hippiepriestbumout” sums it up really well:

A Reddit user’s preference for funny and witty bios on men’s Tinder profiles.

In a nutshell, women like it better when men have Tinder bios that reflect wit and humor (no surprises here).

Want ideas? Here are seven of our best picks:

  1. Pros of dating me: You'll be the prettier one.

We generally advise against using self-deprecating humor a lot, but this is one of the few cases where it just comes across as funny and sweet. 

  1. Looking for someone who can beat me at Wordle

The Wordle trend is not dying anytime soon- the game is simply that addictive. If your potential match is in the habit of playing Wordle regularly, you’ll definitely win brownie points for opening up a challenge. 

  1. Willing to lie about how we met.

Meeting someone through a dating app isn’t exactly the most romantic start to a relationship. But it can be if you turn it into an inside joke between you and your partner by agreeing to tell your friends and family some made-up story of how it all went down. 

  1. Let's plan how I'll soft-launch you on my IG in a few weeks.

This is so sweet we won’t even bother making a case for it. 

  1. Just looking for someone so we can go as donkey and dragon from to Halloween parties

If she’s a Shrek fan, she’ll get it. 

  1. “I can't fit my entire personality into this little box- how about we grab some pizza together instead.”

What we love about this bio is that it reminds readers that it’s impossible to fully get to know someone by simply reading an “about me” paragraph on their Tinder profile

Instead, it proposes that you and your match go out for food together, so you can truly start getting to know each other. 

For those who want a serious relationship, this emphasis on making a deeper connection with your match is so important. 

  1. I grew my hair out because my niece wanted to braid it.

A guy who can handle kids and pull off long hair? Yes, please! 

Goes without saying though, that you should only use this Tinder bio if you have actual pictures of yourself with long hair on your Tinder profile. 

Example of A Successful Tinder Bio For Men Who Want Serious Relationships 

Here’s an example of what such a bio would look like on your Tinder profile. As you can see in the picture if you use emojis right- they can make your bio even more funny and impactful:

A mockup of a guy’s Tinder profile with a bio to attract a long-term partner.

7 Best Tinder Bios For Girls To Attract Serious Matches in 2024

So what do guys like seeing on girls’ Tinder bios? We looked into this exact question posted on the subreddit r/dating and among all the responses we came across, we felt this one summed up the general sentiment pretty well: 

A Reddit user’s preference for high-effort and authentic bios on women’s Tinder profiles.

As you can see, The two things that matter above everything else are:

  • Effort, and 
  • Authenticity 

So as long as your bio is checking these two boxes, you’re doing a good job. If you need help coming up with ideas, here are our top seven suggestions: 

  1. Would you peel oranges for me?

Everyone knows your boyfriend’s willingness to peel oranges for you is the real litmus test for whether the relationship will survive- It’s simply the law. 

  1. Might steal your heart, will steal your fries.

How can anyone not love a fry-stealing girlfriend?

Men, if you come back from the restroom, and find a couple of fries missing from your plate, you’ve found her.

  1. Eligibility criteria: Must get rid of all bugs for me

Ladies, if he can’t even get rid of bugs for you, is he really worth it? 

(The editor of this post would like you to know we are joking: it is okay for men to be equally afraid of bugs.)

  1. What's that? You like bad girls? Good. I'm bad at everything.

As you can probably tell by now, we’re not the biggest fans of self-deprecating humor. But even we admit there are some cases (such as this bio) where it simply works. 

If you’re ever wondering whether you should use self-deprecating humor anywhere on your profile or during a conversation, try typing that message out on your notes app and read it 5-10 minutes later with fresh eyes. Eight times out of ten, you’ll be able to tell how it would be received by your match.

  1. Only here for free meals.

If you’re the kind of girl who loves good flirty banters, this bio will match your vibe perfectly. Tease your matches by letting them know upfront that you’re not really interested in them; only free meals. 

Chances are, some guy out there is going to reply to it with something even wittier, which is how you’ll know he’s the one. 

  1. Looking for someone who'll share their Netflix account with me.

Here’s another Tinder bio that does a really good job of filtering out matches who can match your vibe and give you the witty banters you deserve. 

If he replies too seriously to this bio, he’s likely going to be too boring for you. But we still recommend giving him a fair shot in the conversation before you declare your final verdict. 

If he replies with something even better, you’ll know your search is over. 

  1. Do you like my sweater? It's made of girlfriend material.

If you have cute pictures of yourself in a sweater on your Tinder profile, this bio will be perfect for you. Dad jokes and cute sweaters- that’s the whole package. 

Example of A Successful Tinder Bio For Girls

Want to get a sneak peek of how these bios would appear on your profile? Here you go:

A mockup of a girl’s Tinder profile optimized to attract serious matches.

How To Write a Tinder Bio To Get Serious Matches in 2024

What’s that saying? 

“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

You already know where we’re going with this…

In this section, we’re going to drop our expert tips on crafting a great Tinder bio to attract serious matches, so you can become a master of the craft.

Let’s dive in. 

What Should You Put In A Tinder Bio

Let’s cover the basics first. 

Before you write your bio, it’s important to be mindful of the true purpose of a bio on your Tinder profile: Demonstrating the depth of your personality in your own words. 

There are a number of ways you can go about this, but the best ones are:

  • Mentioning your interests and hobbies.
  • Mentioning your preferences in a partner. 
  • Giving your potential matches a glimpse of your personality i.e., through humor and wit
  • And painting a picture of what you’re like as a partner.

You don’t have to check all of these boxes at the same time, checking even one of them means you’re going in the right direction.

Secondly, it’s important to understand that your bio isn’t meant to attract everyone. Know what kind of partner you want, and write a bio that’s tailored to them. As marketing and sales experts will tell you, trying to please everyone means pleasing no one. 

Lastly, remember to keep the contents of your Tinder bio within the bounds of Tinder’s community guidelines. Hate speech, scams, and bullying of any sort can result in your account being banned permanently. 

Dos of Writing A Tinder Bio For Serious Relationships

Here’s a mini checklist of “dos” for your Tinder bio:

  1. Be your authentic self in your bios- As you’ll notice in the Reddit answers we’ve shared in this post, people are tired of try-hards and pretenders. They want someone who’s true to themselves- that’s the real litmus test of confidence.
  1. Mention your hobbies and interests in your bios - The purpose of bios or the “about me” section of your Tinder profile is to give your potential matches a glimpse of your personality. If you waste that opportunity hopping on a cliche bandwagon, you’ll lose matches who share your interests, hobbies, and personality traits. 
  1. Evoke emotions through your bios - As we keep emphasizing in this post, it’s really important to make sure your bio evokes emotion in your potential matches. Why? Because emotions make things memorable and help set you apart. 
  1. Be straightforward in your bios- If you want a serious relationship, don’t beat around the bush. Be upfront about it. Will you lose some potential matches for being specific about what you want? Yes, but that’s a good thing. You won’t waste time talking to people looking for casual stuff anymore. At the same time, you’d be actively attracting people who are looking for the same outcome as you; Win-win
  1. Be Confident and articulate well - If you’re going to go for a funny bio, make sure you go all-in. Will some people find it cringe? Yes. But that’s just how humor works- it’s extremely subjective. Rest assured, those who share your sense of humor will appreciate your jokes, so long as you make sure you’ve worded them nicely. No one likes a sloppy joke. 

Don’ts of Writing A Tinder Bio For Serious Relationships 

Before you change your bio, go through this checklist of “don’ts” to make sure you’re not making any of these mistakes:

  1. Don’t be offensive in your bios - If you decide to go for a flirty or funny bio, just remember to not be offensive. Spend time educating yourself on important social issues, so you write your bio responsibly and don’t alienate people. Remember, if you go against Tinder’s community guidelines for offensive or hate speech, your account can get banned permanently. 
  1. Don’t be self-deprecating - More often than not, self-deprecating humor will work against you, so we recommend only using it in cases where you’re sure it’ll be tasteful. If you’re ever feeling unsure about how it would be received, it’s best to avoid it altogether.
  1. Don’t be a try-hard - One more time for the people at the back: There is nothing more attractive than someone who’s true to themselves. Period. 

The opposite is true as well: There’s nothing more unattractive than someone who puts up a facade and tries to be someone they’re not. 

  1. Don’t make your bios too long - Tinder caps bios off at 500 characters, but just because you have that much space doesn’t mean you should use all of it. Try to spend a lot of time perfecting how your bio is phrased- that’s what makes it punchier and more impactful.
  1. Don’t make your bios cliche - Again, the whole point of having a Tinder bio is to show some depth to your personality. Cliche bios have the opposite effect. 
  1. Don’t be shallow - Your Tinder bio is your chance to show some depth to your personality. If you use it to say something shallow and sexual, you’ll miss that opportunity at best, and creep people out at worst. 
  1. Don’t skip writing the bio - One common mistake we find people making is not putting up a bio on their Tinder profile at all. We strongly advise against this- especially if you’re looking for serious matches on Tinder. It simply comes across as lazy. 

How To Use YourMove AI’s Free AI-powered Tool To Write Your Tinder Bio

If you want more help optimizing your bio for serious relationships, our free AI-powered bio writer tool is here to save your day. Here’s a brief guide on how to use it:

Step 1: Go to the YourMove AI Website. 

Step 2: Click on the “Profile Writer” tab on the main menu. 

A tutorial on how to use Your Move AI’s profile writer tool.

Step 3: Click on the “Write my free bio” button

A tutorial on how to use Your Move AI’s profile writer tool.

Step 4: Answer the prompts

Our AI tool will ask you questions about yourself to tailor a bio that’s specific to you. Here’s a list of the questions you can expect:

  1. Which dating app do you want to write your bio for i.e., Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, or others?
  2. Your gender
  3. Your desired outcome i.e., a long-term relationship.
  4. Your hobbies
  5. Traits of your ideal partner
  6. Your unusual skills
  7. Your life’s bucket list items
  8. Topics you enjoy talking about
  9. What you do for work, and 
  10. Your email. 
  11. Your preferred approach i.e., flirty, thoughtful, or feisty. 

Step 5: Sit back, relax, and let AI do the heavy lifting for you.

Just like that, our tool has generated a perfectly optimized custom bio for you. The whole process takes less than 2 minutes!

A fully optimized, custom Tinder bio generated by Your Move AI’s bio writer tool.

3 Examples of Bad Tinder Bios

We’ve given you several examples of successful Tinder bios. Now, let’s take a look at some of the bad ones and roast them:

  1. Swipe if you can handle impromptu adventures & cheesy pickup lines.

❌ What’s wrong with this bio? 

Our problem is with the use of the word “handle” here- it makes you come across as someone who’s dramatic and full of themselves. And if the “impromptu adventures” mean having extra spicy ramen- it makes the use of the word even more ridiculous. 

  1. Let's support each other's dreams and handle each other's nightmares.

❌ What’s wrong with this bio?

A bit too dramatic for our taste. 

  1. One date with me, and you’ll forget all your other matches. Bold claim? Try me."

❌ What’s wrong with this bio?

There’s nothing wrong with this one as long as your goal is to tell your matches you’re ChatGPT.

Do Tinder Bios Even Matter?

The short answer? Yes. 

Why? Because your bio is only visible to other Tinder users when they click on your profile to read more. 

This means (more often than not) that they liked what they saw in your pictures, and are interested in learning more about you. In other words, they want to know what kind of personality you have. 

That’s where the bio steps in. It’s the only place on your profile where you get to show your personality to your potential matches in your own words. 

Show depth, and you’ve won the game. Say something shallow, and you’ve lost it. Skip writing a bio altogether? And you’ll tell people you’re lazy and looking for something casual, meaning you’ll lose potential matches who want a serious relationship. 


Which dating app is best for serious relationships?

Hinge and Bumble are the top dating apps for serious relationships. Although you can still find long-term partners on Tinder, the app is notorious for casual hookups. For a more detailed answer, read our comparison of Bumble and Tinder

How long can my Tinder bio be?

Tinder limits bios or “about me” sections to 500 characters- (approximately 45 words).

Who can see my Tinder bio?

Your Tinder bio and overall profile are visible to all other Tinder users if your account is public. However, if you turn “discovery” off, your profile will not be shown to anyone new on Tinder.

Are Tinder Bios Important?

Yes, Tinder bios are extremely important to get more matches. It is your chance to showcase your personality in your own words. 

Should I use emojis in my Tinder Bio?

Yes, using emojis is a great way to make your bios more impactful. However, you need to have a certain level of social media literacy to do it correctly. If you don’t understand how emojis are used on social media, you risk using emojis in a “cringy” way, and you’ll drive your Tinder matches away. Emojipedia is a great tool that’ll help you find the perfect emoji for every situation. 

What is the best Tinder bio for men who want serious relationships?

Funny, witty, and interest-based bios tend to work best for men. Two ideas include:

  1. “Willing to lie about how we met” 
  2. “Looking for someone who can beat me at Wordle”

If you need help customizing your bio, use our free AI-powered bio writer tool

What is the best Tinder bio for women who want serious relationships?

Tinder bios that show effort and authenticity work best for women. Here are two ideas:

  1. “Might steal your heart, will steal your fries.”
  2. “Do you like my sweater? It’s made of girlfriend material”

If you need help writing a more personalized bio, use our free AI-powered bio writer tool

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Psst, want more personalized pickup lines?

YourMove’s AI can generate pickup lines that is sure to get her attention.

  1. Go to Chat Assistant
  2. Pick your tone - Flirty, Friendly or maybe Feisty?
  3. Copy & Paste your pickup line!
Chat AssistantScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Chat Assistant

Psst, have a terrible bio? Want to fix it?

YourMove’s AI creates bios that is sure to get her attention.

  1. Go to Profile Writer
  2. Pick your tone - Flirty, Thoughtful or maybe Feisty?
  3. Copy & Paste your bio!
Profile WriterScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Profile Writer

Psst, not getting enough matches? Get your profile reviewed

YourMove’s AI reviews your bio and photos and creates an improvement plan to get you more matches.

  1. Go to Profile Review
  2. Add your bio and photos
  3. Get your improvement plan!
Profile ReviewScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Profile Review