20+ Best Hinge Prompts That You Can Answer to Get More Matches

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Unlike Tinder and Bumble, Hinge takes on a unique approach when it comes to bios. Hinge provides you with prompts/questions to answer, which is a simpler way to present your personality.

However, Hinge has a lot of prompts, and you’ve probably noticed that some bring you more likes while others lead to none. So, which unique hinge prompts should you use for more likes?

Well, look no further, as we have drafted a list of some of the best hinge prompts that you can answer to get more matches!

Let’s get right to it!

What are the Best Hinge Prompts That I Can Answer?

#1: Together We Could… [Best Hinge Prompt]

The reality is that most people are looking to go on a date on Hinge. So, this prompt kind of circumvents all that unnecessary small talk and leads to the most important part, both of you going on a date.

Your answers to this prompt provide potential matches with a taste of what your potential date may look like. What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Sell everything we have, start traveling, and create a traveling influencer profile to fuel our adventures together.”
  • “Replace my tires. Not exactly the most romantic night, but hey, at least we’ll be doing something together.”
  • “Go to Greece for a whole month, fall in love, go back to our normal lives, get bored with each other, break up, and then get back together once we’re wiser in a year.”

#2: I Geek Out On… [Good Hinge Prompt]

There is no better way to showcase yourself than talking about your hobbies, interests, or anything else you are obsessed with. Use this to attract matches with the same interests as yours.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Driving. Basic, I know, but whenever I need to do a mental reset, I just get in my car and drive in any direction for an hour or two.”
  • “Candy. Yes, I’ll commit to trying every single piece of candy out there, even if it means my teeth will fall out.”
  • “Games. Books. Movies. Or anything that includes me chilling for hours and enjoying my hobbies.”

#3: I’ll Fall For You If… [Clever Hinge Prompt]

A solid setup for a clever answer. Just make sure to come up with something witty enough to charm potential matches. What You Can Consider Saying

  • “you trip me.”
  • “you do pretty much anything. ”
  • “you share the same hobbies as me.”

#4: I’ll Introduce You To My Family If… [Funny Hinge Prompts]

Funny pick up lines are often successful when trying to get someone someone’s attention, so a funny answer to this prompt will surely get people interested in your profile.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “You’re as crazy as I am.”
  • “We go on one date. Yep, those are my current standards.”
  • “You’re willing to survive a night of very loud people, a lot of food, a ton of wine, and a good time.”

#5: Dating Me Is Like… [Great Hinge Prompt]

While your prompt answer can’t show what you can offer in a relationship, this prompt is a good way to give people a small sense of what you want from dating.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Adopting a cat that just loves to climb on the kitchen counter to hunt for food.”
  • “A never-ending adventure.”
  • “You’re on a permanent honeymoon. Cozy dates, dinners, and lazy nights.”

#6: I Bet You Can’t… [Cute Hinge Prompt]

This prompt is a pretty good way to convince people to hit you up with a conversation starter.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Convince me in the first 15 minutes of our chat to go out on a date.”
  • “Down an entire cocktail in one gulp.”
  • “Hit me with a conversation starter I’ve never seen before.”

#7: Fact About Me That Surprises People… [Witty Hinge Prompt]

This prompt is a good setup for a joke or a small brag. You can practically say anything.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Is that I can finish a 10k run in less than 50 minutes.”
  • “Is that I can make artisan pizzas from scratch.”
  • “Is that I’ve done a LOTR marathon in 24 hours.”

#8: I Recently Discovered That… [Witty Hinge Prompt]

This is another good prompt to come up with a witty answer to make a potential match laugh.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “I can eat two pizzas, one right after another. Not too proud of that, though.”
  • “That it’s never too late to try things out.”
  • “That working out in the gym is practically a drug.”

#9: I Want Someone Who… [Cute Hinge Prompt]

A prompt to show your softer side with a cute answer.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Doesn’t mind cuddling the day away.”
  • “Will let me take on all of their baggage. I didn’t train in the gym for nothing!”
  • “Will be there to make me soup when I’m sick. Of course, I’ll reciprocate.”

#10: What If I Told You…  [Unique Hinge Prompts]

This prompt gives you the freedom to say anything you have on your mind. Don’t overthink it; just answer with something you know will make people want to chat.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “That I have never been to a wine bar?”
  • “That I’ve seen a real UFO?”
  • “That I can’t ride a bicycle? Wish someone would be willing to teach me!”

#11: I’m Looking For…  [Good Hinge Prompts]

Another prompt that allows for a very straightforward answer. Doesn’t have to be witty or funny. Just be honest.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Someone willing to fully commit to building a strong relationship.”
  • “A real relationship that’s built on honesty and trust.”
  • “An adventurous character that’s open to experiment.”

#12: My Most Controversial Opinion…  [Witty Hinge Prompts]

It can bait people into thinking that you’re about to open up with something very controversial, but you can just respond with a witty answer. We don’t recommend sharing your controversial opinions with Hinge prompts.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Is that pineapple simply does not belong on a pizza. Period.”
  • “Local burgers are vastly superior to chain restaurant burgers.”
  • “Beer is the ultimate date-night drink.”

#13: Never Have I Ever… [Great Hinge Prompts]

With this prompt, you could bait your matches into offering you to try out the “never have I ever” things.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Gone skinny-dipping.”
  • “Sang karaoke. I just suck at singing.”
  • “Been on a blind date.”

#14: First Round Is On Me If… [Clever Hinge Prompts]

Another prompt to show your wittiness and humor.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “You’re passionate about cars as much as I am.”
  • “You have some insane travel story that I can’t top.”
  • “Hit me up with a movie I haven’t watched and ends up being a 10/10.”

#15: My Ideal Fake Sick Day… [Funny Hinge Prompts]

A good prompt showcases your hobbies or what you enjoy doing throughout the day.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “is with friends doing practically anything.”
  • “is being lazy throughout the whole day watching my favorite TV shows.”
  • “Relax, take a longer walk, and go for a cozy date night.”

#16: I Know The Best Spot In Town For… [Clever Hinge Prompts]

You can use this prompt either to share potential date places or to lure people into giving out their favorite places, which you could use for your potential date.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “The best pizza in town. But I’ll share this valuable information only once you get to know me better.”
  • “Nothing. I just moved here, so I will definitely need some help to get familiar with the local spots.”
  • “Burgers. Or at least, I’d like to know some of the better spots for burgers. Help me out?”

#17: One Thing I Cannot Live Without… [Good Hinge Prompts]

Another good prompt to speak about your hobbies or things you like.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “My computer. I use it for work, gaming, relaxing, and chatting. It’s practically my life.”
  • “My car. Sure, it gets me from point A to point B, but I’m also obsessed with spending money on it.”
  • “Working out. It’s the only thing that keeps me sane these past couple of years.”

#18: Fun Fact About Me… [Good Hinge Prompts]

Want to share something about yourself that you want everyone to know? Then this is the Hinge prompt you should use!

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “I love hiking, and I always make sure to do those daily 10k steps, every day.”
  • “I’m very introverted, so I need a lot of time to recharge at home, but I still enjoy a good night out.”
  • “I’m in the gym practically every day, striving to constantly improve myself.”

#19: My Dream Job If Money Didn’t Matter… [Great Hinge Prompts]

A prompt that just allows you to share about your hopes and dreams.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Is to be a sleepman. There has to be a study out there that needs people to just sleep, right?”
  • “Would be to be a musician. I get to play and enjoy my music without a care in the world.”
  • “Would be to teach. Doesn’t necessarily have to be children. I just want to share my knowledge and help people grow.”

#20: What I’d Like To Know About You… [Best Hinge Prompts]

People love talking about themselves, so this is a pretty good prompt that can lead to a conversation (with the right answers).

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Is about your weirdest ritual throughout the day.”
  • “Is about the best way you deal with stress.”
  • “Is about where you would take me if we went on a date tonight.”

#21: The Secret To Getting To Know Me Is… [Clever Hinge Prompts]

A great way to help people get to know you before you even start talking. It can help skip that awkward small talk.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Buying me a beer. I’ll immediately start talking about my entire past.”
  • “Taking me on a hike. It’s one of the most relaxing things, so I’ll easily start sharing about myself.”
  • “Sending me a DM. It’s that easy!”

#22: The Way To Win Me Over… [Clever Hinge Prompts]

Very similar to the previous prompt in what it can achieve.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Is by taking me for a drive or joining me for a drive.”
  • “Inviting me for a CS2 game.”
  • “By starting the conversation by numbering your three favorite cars.”

#23: Teach Me Something About… [Unique Hinge Prompts]

A great way to find Hinge matches you can relate with.

What You Can Consider Saying

  1. “Building a healthy relationship. I think I have most of what it takes, but never stop learning.”
  2. “Crafting the perfect first date.”
  3. “Baking. I’ve always wanted to cook, but I have no idea where to start.”

#24: One Thing I’ll Never Do Again… [Unique Hinge Prompts]

This prompt is a pretty good way to reveal more about yourself without saying too much.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Is quickly jump into a relationship. No need to rush things like this.”
  • “Is starting my training without stretching. Learned my lesson the hard way.”
  • “Is get on a rollercoaster. It was just too much for me!”

#25: My Mantra Is… [Great Hinge Prompts]

The combination of this prompt and your answers could be a good way to filter what kind of matches you’ll get.

What You Can Consider Saying

  • “Work, exercise, eat healthy, and always strive for improvement.”
  • “Always find time for yourself to relax and release all the pent-up stress.”
  • “Always be open to try new things.”

Related Questions About Hinge Prompts

Is there a strategy for selecting the best Hinge prompts for my profile?

Yes. Always try to pick Hinge prompts that you can answer honestly because this is the best way to showcase your personality. An alternative strategy is to choose prompts that have been proven to be successful for other users.

How do I answer a Hinge prompt effectively?

To increase your chances of a match on Hinge, consider what you would like to communicate to the people on the platform through your Hinge prompt answers. Write your answers down and see which answer best reflects your personality.

What should I avoid when answering Hinge prompts?

When writing Hinge prompts, make sure to avoid making them too long and detailed. But it’s also important to avoid sharing any hateful comments or controversial opinions. Just avoid being negative because you don’t want to show yourself in the wrong light.

If you can’t find the right style of answers for your Hinge prompts, consider our free Profile Writer service to give you an idea of how you can write strong answers.

Will Answering These Hinge Prompts Actually Work?

Yes. Since Hinge doesn’t have a bio like other dating apps, users have to rely on prompts and their answers. It is an effective way to give good first impressions, and the more impressions you leave, the more likes you will get.

This is why it is so important to find the right prompts and provide the answers that best fit your profile.

But, Hinge is not just about prompts and answers; it’s also about using effective conversation starters, keeping the conversation going, using the right pick up lines, etc. All of this you can find on our blog.

We also provide an AI Enhanced Photos service which can work wonders (for likes) if paired with our Chat Assistant service that can help you pick the right words when chatting. Or, to boost your online dating success even further, you can check out our YourMove app.