20 Hinge Conversation Starters That You Should Be Using Right Now

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You're on Hinge, ready to make connections but find yourself stuck at the messaging stage. What do you say to catch someone's attention?

This is a common problem many of us face today when trying to form a connection online. Thankfully, this guide is here to help you with your conversation starter dilemma on Hinge.

If you're looking to understand what makes a good conversation on Hinge, seeking examples, or in need of some tips, then you're in the right place. With that said, let's get started!

What Makes a Good Conversation Starter on Hinge?

First and foremost, a good conversation starter on Hinge should be personalized to the other person's profile, demonstrating your specific interest in them. It's best if an opening is open-ended, encourages a detailed response, and keeps the conversation light and enjoyable.

The best starters are those that connect the dots between you two, such as finding shared interests, highlighting unique and relatable details from their profile, or tapping into experiences you’ve both undergone.

What are the Best Hinge Conversation Starters that You Can Use?

The best Hinge conversation starters you can ever use are those that are simple yet thought-provoking. They should be able to engage your match in a way that allows them to comment on it without too much thought. Let's explore further what these conversation starters are below:

1. “What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy week?”

Hey, we all have our own quirky ways to chill out after a hectic week, right? Maybe it's binge-watching a series, or perhaps something as simple as a quiet cup of tea on a Saturday morning. Asking this question lets your match share what flips their relaxation switch. Who knows, you might just discover you're both serial brunch-goers or Netflix enthusiasts.

2. “I’m intrigued by your book/movie taste! What's one that really resonated with you?”

Ever stumbled upon a book or movie that just stuck with you way after the end credits or final page? This question’s all about that. It’s a sneaky way to get a peek into what stirs their soul or gets their brain ticking. Plus, it's a chance to see if you both geek out over the same plot twists or character arcs.

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3. “Your travel photos are amazing! What’s the story behind your favorite trip?”

Let’s face it, everyone loves telling a favorite travel story, whether it’s a hilarious misadventure or a breathtaking view that words just can’t do justice. Asking about their favorite trip is like a backstage pass to their most treasured memories. And who knows, maybe it’ll spark plans for future escapades together.

4. “I noticed we share a passion for [common interest]. What drew you to it initially?”

Have a shared love for sourdough baking, marathon running, or maybe indie films? Dive into what lit that spark. It’s kinda like saying, “Hey, I see we’re both into this cool thing, tell me how you fell into it!” It’s personal yet relaxed, and it could lead to some fun back-and-forth about your shared interest, especially if you reached that point in totally different ways.

5. “That photo of you at [location/event] looks fun! What was happening there?”

Spot a photo of them at a concert, a fancy dress party, or maybe just laughing with friends? Ask them about it! It's a casual nudge to get them talking about a happy moment, and it’s your chance to show them you're genuinely interested in their life beyond the app.

6. “I see you enjoy [activity/hobby]. What’s the most exciting or unusual aspect of it for you?”

This one's about tapping into their passions. Whether they’re into rock climbing, knitting, or brewing their own beer, everyone loves to talk about their hobby. It’s a cool way to get them to open up about what lights them up, and hey, you might learn something new and fascinating.

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7. “I’m really curious about the book/movie/show you mentioned. What did you love most about it?”

Did you catch a mention of a book, movie, or show in their profile that piqued your interest? Here’s your chance to dig deeper. It’s like saying, “Hey, I noticed you’re into this, and I’m keen to know more.” It’s a great way to get them talking and to show that you’re paying attention to what they share.

8. “What’s one book or movie that you think everyone should experience at least once?”

This question is like asking them to share a hidden gem, something they believe is a must-see or must-read. It's a great way to get insights into what moves them or has shaped their perspective. Plus, it's an excellent way to add some new titles to your own list.

9. “If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?”

Here’s a playful way to delve into their dreams and aspirations. Maybe they’ve always wanted to be a guitar maestro or a culinary wizard. It’s a fun, light-hearted question that lets them share a bit of their 'if only' wishlist with you.

10. “What’s the most fascinating thing you’ve learned recently?”

This question encourages your match to share something interesting or unusual, potentially starting an engaging and informative conversation. It also shows that you value intelligence and learning, which can be attractive qualities.

11. “What’s a small thing that always makes your day better?”

This question is all about the little things that brighten up a day. It's light-hearted and positive, setting a cheerful tone for the conversation. When they share those small joys, it might give you a sweet glimpse into their daily life and personality.

12. “What’s a tradition in your family or among your friends that you really cherish?”

This one is great for getting a feel for what they hold dear in their personal life. It’s about traditions, which can range from holiday rituals to a simple weekly meetup with friends. Their response could offer a cozy insight into their family dynamics or social circle.

13. “What’s the most memorable compliment you’ve ever received?”

Who doesn't like revisiting a nice compliment? This question is a subtle way to encourage them to share something that made them feel good about themselves. Plus, you'll likely learn what they pride themselves on or what they’re appreciated for by others.

14. “Do you prefer coffee or tea in the morning, and why?”

A simple and classic icebreaker that can reveal a bit about their morning routine and preferences. Whether they're a coffee aficionado or a tea lover, it can lead to a casual chat about their favorite blends or morning rituals.

15. “What’s your idea of a perfect weekend?”

This question is an easy and open way to talk about hobbies and interests without getting too personal too soon. It’s all about how they like to unwind or have fun, potentially giving you an idea for a date they’d enjoy.

16. “Have you watched any good movies or series lately?”

Most people enjoy talking about their latest binge-watch. This can lead to an engaging conversation about shared interests in movies or TV shows and can even provide ideas for a future movie date.

17. “What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?”

Food is a universally relatable topic, and this question could lead to a delightful conversation about tastes, culinary adventures, or favorite restaurants. It’s an enjoyable way to chat about something everyone loves: good food. If you’re ambitious, you could try to recreate a recipe if you ever have a cooking date in the future!

18. “If you could learn one new skill without any effort, what would it be?”

It’s a fun and imaginative question that can reveal a lot about a person’s interests and desires. It also opens up a conversation about hobbies, dreams, and aspirations.

19. “What’s a place in your city you love but don’t visit often enough?”

Perfect for local matches, this question can uncover hidden gems in your city and might even lead to planning an outing together. It’s a casual way to talk about local interests and experiences.

20. “What’s the most interesting fact you know?”

This question is a great icebreaker that can lead to an intriguing and unexpected conversation. It allows your match to share something interesting, and you can learn something new as well.

Tips When Trying to Deliver Your Conversation Starter on Hinge

Comment on Specific Elements in Their Profile

If you notice something unique or interesting in their profile pictures or prompts, mention it in your message. For example, if they are wearing a sports team's apparel, you can comment on that team or sport. This approach shows that you have paid attention to their profile and are genuinely interested in them.

Use Hinge Prompts Effectively

Hinge prompts are designed to facilitate engaging conversations. Choose prompts that reveal interesting aspects of your personality and can act as conversation starters. For instance, prompts like “My most irrational fear is…” or “A perfect day would be…” can lead to intriguing discussions.

Discuss Shared Interests

If you find a shared interest, such as a love for Thai food or playing soccer, use it as a conversation starter. For instance, you could ask about their favorite Thai dish or when they first started playing.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Questions that require more than a yes/no answer can lead to more engaging conversations. For example, asking about their experiences with travel or hobbies allows them to share more about themselves.

Compliment Genuinely

Compliments can be great icebreakers if they are sincere and specific. For example, praising someone’s style or commenting positively on a photo where they look happy can make the conversation more personal and friendly.


If you're struggling to engage with your matches and haven't yet found an effective conversation starter, we recommend trying out our Chat Assistant tool. You'll be better off, as it takes the thinking off your shoulders, and can help open new avenues for connections.

Additionally, you might want to consider using some of our other tools, such as AI-Enhanced Photo, along with our Profile Writer and Reviewer. With the help of our app, YourMove AI, in conjunction with the services we just mentioned, your chances of getting a reply from a conversation starter on Hinge are greatly improved.

Be sure to check out more on our blog, where you can find topics related to this one.Overall, we hope you've found the right Hinge conversation starter that suits you best. Here's to more success on Hinge, and we look forward to seeing you in our other posts.