35 Best Hinge Openers in 2024 (Great, Witty, Flirty, Funny)

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We understand that getting a good response on Hinge can be a bit challenging, especially if you're someone who tends to start every conversation with the casual 'Hi' or 'Hello'.

There's a trick to getting your Hinge match to respond, and it all starts with a good opener.

In this article, we'll provide you with some ideas for openers that you can use with your Hinge matches. These are deliberately structured so that you won't have to worry about what kind of introduction to use.

With that said, let's dive into the types of Hinge openers to consider.

Does Using an Opener on Hinge Even Work?

Yes, using an opener on Hinge actually works. Think of it this way: You want to grab your match's attention and get them chatting with you, right? Well, a solid opener is your first step in the door.

It's not just about breaking the ice. A good opener sets the whole vibe for the chat, shows off a preview of your personality, and lets them know you're actually paying attention to who they are, and not just swiping on their photos.

Convinced about why you should give hinge openers a shot? Cool, let's jump into our next section and get into the nitty-gritty of crafting openers that get real responses.

What are the Best Hinge Openers That You Can Use Right Now?

Here are the best Hinge openers you can use. Ranging from great and good to flirty, funny, and even clever, these Hinge openers can help you get a good response from your matches.

Let's take a look at each one:

Best Hinge Openers

Best Hinge openers are your main tool for standing out. They're creatively designed to grab attention, making your match feel genuinely special from the get-go.

1. "If we were both characters in a movie, which genre would we be in and why?"

Ever thought about what kind of movie your life would be? This opener gets them dreaming up fun scenarios and chatting about their favorite movies. It's a chill way to kick off a chat about shared interests.

2. "Just out of curiosity, if you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?"

This one's a cool way to dive into their dreams and hidden talents. Everyone loves talking about their 'what ifs,' making it a great conversation starter.

3. "Your profile says you're into [hobby/activity]. I've always been curious about that. Can you share a bit about what got you started?"

Authentic interest in what your Hinge match is into is a great way to build a connection. This opener is saying, "Hey, I noticed you," and gets them to share about their passions. They’ll also be inclined to discover what you are excited about as well.

4. "If you could give a TED talk on any topic, what would it be? I’m genuinely curious!"

Imagine that they're the expert and you're the eager audience. This question makes them the star for a moment and shows you're up for a chat that's a bit more than just surface-level. It also gives them a chance to discuss a niche interest in quite a bit of detail, leading to lots of other spin-off conversations.

5. "I noticed your taste in [books/music/movies] is pretty awesome. What's one you'd recommend to someone you've just met?"

Spotting something cool in their taste? Call it out. It's a relaxed way to show you've paid attention and gets you both talking about stuff you love.

Great Hinge Openers

Great Hinge openers are all about striking the right chord. They’re engaging and insightful, perfect for sparking a conversation that feels both deep and effortless.

6. "I just finished a fascinating book/podcast and I’ve been thinking about it all week. What's something you've read or listened to recently that left an impact?"

This opener is like opening a door to their mind palace. It's a great way to dive into what moves them intellectually or emotionally and can lead to some really deep conversations right off the bat. Just make sure you can back up your claim about finishing that book or podcast, in case they want to discuss it with you!

7. "I'm really intrigued by your photo at [specific location or activity], it looks like there's a story there. Care to share?"

Spotting something interesting in their photo? Ask about it. It shows you're not just swiping blindly, and are genuinely interested in their story. This also works if you notice that you’ve been to the same place on a vacation or trip. Plus, everyone loves talking about their adventures.

8. "If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one skill or ability, what would it be?"

This question is like asking them to share their secret superhero wish. It's fun, sparks imagination, and you get to learn about their aspirations or maybe even a quirky side they haven't revealed yet.

9. "In your opinion, what's a small thing that makes a big difference in your day?"

This one's a subtle way to understand what they value in daily life. It's a simple yet insightful question that can reveal a lot about their personality and life philosophy. And if you keep talking, it’s something you can remember later on to quickly brighten them up.

10. "I'm a firm believer that everyone has a unique talent. What's yours?"

This is like giving them the stage to showcase something they're proud of. It's a warm and inviting question that makes them feel special and can uncover some really interesting aspects of their personality.

Good Hinge Openers

Good Hinge openers are the bread and butter of starting conversations. Simple yet effective, they're ideal for easing into a chat without overthinking.

11. "I’m really curious – what’s a book or movie that completely changed your perspective?"

This one's a classic for diving into deeper territory. It's a smooth way to get a glimpse into their thoughts and tastes, and who knows, you might just find your next favorite book or movie from their recommendation.

12. "I’m on a mission to find the best coffee spot in town. Any hidden gems I should know about?"

Coffee and casual chit-chat go hand in hand. This question is laid-back and can lead to sharing local favorites, and maybe even planning a casual meet-up over coffee.

13. "What’s something you’re really proud of accomplishing recently?"

A great way to show you're all about the positive vibes. It's encouraging and lets them share their recent wins, big or small, which can be a great foundation for a feel-good conversation.

14. "If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?"

Travel dreams are always a good talking point. This question opens up a world of conversation possibilities, from dream destinations to past travel stories. If you’ve already been to a place they want to go, it can be a great way to display your adventurous side too.

15. "What’s a hobby or activity you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t gotten around to yet?"

This one's a gentle nudge into talking about hobbies and interests. It's easy-going and might even spark ideas for future dates or activities to try together.

Flirty Hinge Openers

Flirty Hinge openers add a playful twist to your message. They’re light and fun, ideal for showing interest with a charming, flirtatious touch.

16. "Is it hot in here or is it just our match finally lighting?"

A cheeky way to kick things off, this line acknowledges the thrill of a new match with a flirtatious twist. It's light-hearted and sure to bring a smile, setting a fun and easygoing tone.

17. "I was going to play it cool, but then I saw your profile and forgot how."

This one's about being charmingly honest. It's a smooth way of saying their profile really caught your eye, and it's got just the right mix of humor, flattery, and just a bit of self-deprecation.

18. "If we were both characters in a romantic comedy, what ridiculous meet-cute would we have?"

Perfect for sparking a creative and flirtatious exchange. This opener invites them to imagine a fun, whimsical scenario with you, which can be a great icebreaker.

19. "I'm not a fortune teller, but I do see you in my future. How's Friday night for a start?"

Bold and upfront, this line shows confidence and a clear interest. It's a playful way of suggesting you'd like to see where things could go, with a hint of romance. If you don’t feel comfortable going straight for a dinner date, adjust the line for a coffee meet-up or afternoon ice cream run.

20. "I'm conducting a survey: What's your idea of a perfect first message? And did I just send it?"

Cheeky and self-aware, this opener is a meta nod to the whole process of messaging on dating apps. It's light, fun, and a clever way to engage them in conversation about dating app norms.

Funny Hinge Openers

Funny Hinge openers are your go-to for a good laugh. They set a relaxed, jovial tone, perfect for connecting with someone who loves a bit of humor.

21. "Do you ever just look at bread and think, ‘Ah, a loaf of raw toast’?"

This opener throws a quirky spin on something as ordinary as bread. It's a playful icebreaker that shows your humor and can easily lead to a fun, light-hearted conversation.

22. "If you were a kitchen utensil, what would you be? I'd be a spatula – useful and occasionally flipping out."

Who knew kitchen utensils could be funny? This opener is a fun, creative way to start chatting. It's pretty ridiculous, perfect for a casual conversation. If they ask what you flip out about, make sure to have some silly, inconsequential comebacks, like, “my eggs are always running away”.

23. "I’m not saying I’m a great cook, but if there was a TV show called ‘Microwave Masters,’ I’d definitely win."

This line is great for a chuckle and shows you don't take yourself too seriously. It's a neat way to kick off a chat about cooking skills (or the lack thereof).

24. "In the event of a zombie apocalypse, my survival plan is to [insert funny plan]. What’s yours?"

A classic with a twist of humor. It invites them to share their wacky survival strategies too, making for a conversation filled with laughs.

25. "Guess what? I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching... to being single. How do you save yours?"

Taking a familiar phrase and giving it a funny, personal twist is a clever way to break the ice. It's a humorous nudge into sharing quirky life experiences or money-saving tips in the world of singlehood.

Clever Hinge Openers

Clever Hinge openers are a smart choice for sparking intrigue. They blend intelligence with wit, ideal for engaging someone who enjoys a thoughtful twist.

26. "If you had to pick a song to play every time you entered a room, what would it be?"

Think of this as your way to get a sneak peek into their soundtrack. It's a fun, quirky question that gives insights into their music taste and personality, plus it naturally rolls into a chat about music and tunes.

27. "I’m writing a book on the finer things in life and I’m short of a chapter. Mind if I include you?"

This line is a smooth mix of flattery and intrigue. It implies they're someone worth knowing more about, and does so in a playful, engaging manner.

28. "Just like a good wine, I get better with time. What's something you've gotten better at recently?"

A touch of humor that relies on self-reflection, with a confident twist. It's a great way to open up a conversation about personal growth and recent achievements.

29. "In your opinion, what's the most underrated thing in life?"

This is the kind of question that makes them pause and think. It's perfect for diving into a conversation that's a bit deeper and discovering what they truly value.

30. "The world is ending tomorrow. Would you rather go Skydiving or Bungee Jumping?”

Facing your fears can bring out the authentic feelings of a person, and also gauges how adventurous they are. Plus it could be a great date idea down the line if you get serious. They could also answer that they’d rather curl up with a book or movie they’ve been meaning to finish, also creating great conversation opportunities.

Witty Hinge Openers

Witty Hinge openers are quick, sharp, and a little playful. They’re great for starting conversations that are lively and filled with banter.

31. "If you were a fruit, you'd be a fine-apple. Or maybe we could make a fine pear?  🍍🍐"

This line puts a quirky twist on the classic pickup line, making it humorous and engaging. It's a playful way to start the conversation and shows you're not afraid to be a bit cheeky.

32. "In the zombie apocalypse, what would be your go-to survival skill?"

This opener combines a touch of pop culture with humor. It's a great way to start a light-hearted conversation that lets you both imagine an outlandish scenario and share a laugh.

33. "On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you this weekend?"

A clever and casual way to ask about their weekend plans. It’s a fun play on words that sets a relaxed tone and subtly suggests the idea of hanging out.

34. "So, do you believe in aliens? I'm asking for a friend from Mars."

This one's a fun way to kick off a conversation with a touch of humor and a dash of imagination. It's an invitation to a quirky and interesting chat about all things extraterrestrial.

35. "Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?"

This classic, whimsical question is great for its absurdity and fun nature. It's a light and playful way to start a conversation and can reveal a lot about someone's sense of humor and creativity.

Tips on How to Deliver Your Hinge Openers Effectively

Now that you have some good ideas on what to use as your Hinge opener, why don't you consider creating your own? Use the tips below to showcase your imaginative take on crafting your very own Hinge opener.

Make It Personal

Spot something cool in their profile? Mention that. It shows you're actually interested in them as a person, not just swiping on everyone.

Keep Things Light

No need to get super deep right away. Start off with something fun or easygoing.

Ask Questions That Open Up the Conversation

You want them to share more than just a yes or no, right? Open-ended questions are the way to go.

Show You're Actually Interested

It's not just about getting a response, it's about getting to know them.

Be Funny, But Don't Overdo It

A little humor is great, but keep it in line with their vibe.

RECOMMENDED: Funny Hinge Messages

Don't Rush, Don't Dawdle

Timing can be tricky. Take a moment to think about what you're going to say, but don't wait too long to send it.

Just Be You

Sounds basic, but it's true. Your opener should sound like it’s coming from you, not some generic dating guru.


If you need more help, consider using our Chat Assistant. With this tool, you won't have to worry about the type of opener, follow-up, or any other messages you're going to send. Our tool can handle that for you! Gone are the days when you had to fret about what Hinge opener to use.

While we're on this topic, we also recommend checking out our other services: AI Enhanced Photos, Profile Review, and Profile Writer.

We can not only help you with your Hinge chatting issues but also address potential optimization problems related to your profile. These could be potential reasons why you're not getting any replies as well.

So, there you have it! If you're looking for an all-in-one solution, consider using our app, YourMove AI. And if you're interested in improving your openers, pick-up lines, or anything else, be sure to explore our blog for more information.

Remember, it's not just about firing off a message; it's about starting a conversation that could lead somewhere. Use these tips to make your openers more effective, and we hope you'll meet your ideal match soon.