12 Easy Tips on How to Keep a Tinder Conversation Going
Are you wondering how to keep a tinder conversation going? Check out the 12 tips we have for you in this article!

With over 50 million active users on Tinder, it is still hard to find the right person to talk to. Even when you finally manage to find a match, you might end up with someone who doesn’t put enough effort into the conversations, which can be very disheartening. However, there might be a chance to save this dying conversation which is probably why you are here.

In this article, we’ll give you tips that you can implement into your Tinder conversations to keep them going and increase your chances of building a real relationship from it.
How to Keep a Conversation Going on Tinder?
There is no specific explanation of why Tinder conversations keep dying, but here are some tips you can use that might help you save your Tinder match.
1. First Impressions Are Essential
For most people, the first impression of a Tinder match determines the rest of the conversation. So, if you don’t have a good conversation starter, it’s more likely that the conversation won’t lead anywhere.
To leave a good first impression, you need to come up with something unique. Or, if you’re not very creative, something witty or funny.
Humor is one of the most attractive characteristics a man or woman can have, so if you start by making your match smile, you’ll probably have more luck with the following conversation.
However, your profile is also a huge part of that first impression, so consider using our Profile Writer to ensure you give out the right vibes with your Tinder bio.
"I couldn't help but notice your picture at the Grand Canyon. I'm planning a trip there myself. Any 'must-see' spots you'd recommend?"
This approach shows you've taken a genuine interest in their experiences and starts a conversation based on shared interests.
2. Ask About Their Interests
Most people think they need to sell themselves to their match as best as they can. But, this kind of approach leaves an impression that you only want to talk about yourself even if isn’t true.
To avoid being a conversational narcissist, you need to be the one asking the questions. Ask them about their hobbies, favorite movies, games, activities, or any kind of interests.
People love talking about themselves, so whenever you feel the conversation dying, throw a question about their lives. Extra points if you add something witty to bait them into further discussion.
"Your profile says you're a jazz enthusiast. Ever tried playing an instrument, or do you prefer to soak in the tunes?"
This question acknowledges their interest in a specific music genre and opens the door to a deeper conversation about hobbies and experiences.
3. Don’t Ignore, Follow Up
The questions you ask about their interests and hobbies will spark a conversation, but that won’t last forever. You have to do a follow-up on these answers to save the conversation from dying.
By getting deeper into certain subjects, you might find stuff that you can relate to, creating a connection that will then further help you to build a relationship with this Tinder match.
If you can’t come up with a way to keep that fire stoked between you two, our Chat Assistant could aid you in finding the right response in your chat rooms.
If they mention enjoying cooking, you could respond with, "That's awesome! What's your signature dish? I'm always looking to expand my cooking repertoire."
This encourages them to share more about their passion and also subtly suggests a future activity you could do together.
4. Don’t Shy Away From Flirting
A large percentage of the people on Tinder are looking for two things, either to hook up or find a partner. Sure, there are some people that are just looking for friends, but those are rarer.
What this means is that there is no need to be scared of the idea of flirting. You’re both there to find a partner, so flirting is expected and not unwelcome.
Once you get to know each other a bit, flirty messages show your Tinder match that you are very interested in taking things further. But, before you do, it might be a good idea to make your profile, or rather, yourself, as attractive as possible.
The best way to achieve this is by adding the best photos of yourself, which you can do with AI-Enhanced Photos. So, once your profile photo complements your flirting, you’re bound to turn your match into a real-life connection.
After some initial chatting, you could say, "Your taste in books is as impressive as your smile in your profile pic. Do you always manage to combine good looks with great hobbies?"
This is a playful compliment that flirts but also brings their interests into the conversation.
Try reading through our list of pickup lines that can make your match laugh. From the best to the worst, we've covered them all. Check out our gym, nurse, cheesy, chemistry, and all the other pickup lines on our blog.
5. Take It To The Next Level
Another big reason why Tinder conversations die is because people stay in the “texting phase” for too long. If you don’t want another match to go to waste, try to make the move sooner rather than later.
Ask your Tinder date to go on a drink once the timing is right (a week or two), but don’t miss your chance.
Keep it simple and straightforward.
If they don’t agree to the date, be understanding and don’t push it. It’s probably better to wait so you can go out on their terms. Although, if they aren’t interested in meeting up at all, it might be time to continue your search for the right match.
"I've enjoyed our chat about indie movies. There's an indie film festival next weekend. Interested in checking it out together?"
This is a natural transition from a shared interest to a real-life activity, making it a seamless invitation for a date.
6. Continue The Conversation After The Date
Once you’ve gone on the date, you can jot that down as a successful Tinder match. However, that still doesn’t mean you don’t have to put more effort into continuing the conversation online.
You can text her/him the day after or right after the date.
“I had a great time last night/tonight, I hope we can do this again soon!”
A common response after a date, but it works. It shows your Tinder match that you are thinking of them even after the date, and it quickly opens up the possibility for the next date.
7. Switch To Texts/DMs
While the Tinder chat function is good enough, switching over to texting or social media DMs is that extra, next step. It means they feel comfortable enough to provide you with their personal profile, i.e., they’re open to taking things further.
“Hey, would you mind if we started chatting on a different platform?”
A pretty straightforward move, while leaving them the freedom to choose which social media platform you’ll use.
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8. Don’t Be Too Pushy, Yet
So, you finally started talking on WhatsApp or Instagram rather than Tinder, great. Things are looking good, but don’t get too confident, at least not yet.
You’re still practically strangers, so you will need to get to know each other better before you can invite them on multiple dates, send memes, or ping them multiple times a day. Don’t rush it, and keep that natural flow.
Avoid This:
“You haven’t texted me in a while, what’s the deal?”
This comes off as very demanding and could deter your Tinder match.
Instead, Try This:
“Something hilarious happened at work today. Can’t wait to tell you about it.”
It shows you feel comfortable enough to casually share things about your life with your match, and it’s a natural way of continuing your conversations.
9. Share Some Fun Stories From Your Life
While sharing stuff from your life usually comes up naturally in chat, use this as a reminder. There are so many things you don’t know about each other, which means you have tons of stuff to share.
A fun or even embarrassing story from your childhood will bring you two closer and will probably further break the ice, letting them share some of their life’s stories as well.
“Okay, I got to tell you this very funny situation I found myself in about 10 years ago, but swear you won’t laugh! Well, it is a funny one, so you probably will.”
You can play up the story by building this kind of introduction to get them into it as much as you can. The delivery and build-up is the most important part of story-telling!
10. Start Sharing Pictures
Sharing photos with each other is definitely one of those steps that makes things a little bit more intimate. Of course, we’re not talking about memes (that’s fine, too), we mean some personal pictures.
It’s a quick way to help someone get to know you better without too much context.
Send pictures of your dog or cat. If you’re comfortable enough, you can send selfies or other pictures of yourself. Maybe photos related to your hobbies, your job, or even from your home.
Just make sure to keep things consensual, don’t send any images they don’t want to see.
11. Suggest Another Date
If you’ve followed all of the tips by now, it should be time to go on another date. You don’t want things to get stale, and if your Tinder match hasn’t suggested another one, they might be waiting for your move again.
But, this time, it should be easier as you’ve both gotten much more comfortable with each other.
“Hey, I was just making dinner and thought of you. How about next time I cook dinner for you?
A date night at home is always more intimate, and showing off your cooking skills can be a huge plus. And, if you’re not a good cook, you can always suggest to cook the dinner together.
12. Spice Things Up
It’s no secret that physical attraction is part of every healthy relationship. To increase that attraction between you two, it might be time to spice your texts up a bit.
Get flirty from time to time, compliment her and her outfits. It’s time to reveal your sexy side. However, consider this tip only if you feel both of you are comfortable enough to get flirty.
“You were insanely hot with that outfit you wore on our last date”
It’s a cheeky compliment, but just enough to test the waters. If she responds well and reciprocates, don’t be afraid to keep going and see where it takes you!
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What to Do If You Still Can’t Keep Your Tinder Conversation Going Despite Applying Our Tips
So what happens if you had a good conversation starter, you implemented all of these tips and again, you end up with no reciprocation from the other side?
Well, that particular person you've matched with might be busy or simply not ready for a relationship, and that's perfectly okay. It's normal for people to come and go in our lives.
What matters most is that there are so many other potential matches for you, and finding the right person with whom you can click will definitely come as long as you don't quit.
If you feel like giving up because most of your chats have just been dying out, then we recommend that you try out an assistant to help you bring up your A-game when it comes to making conversations.
Our premier app, YourMove AI, addresses all of the lapses you might encounter and covers them for you so that all you have to do is focus on ensuring your chat remains consistent.
Gone are the days when your match would ghost you for no reason, and worrying about why it happens will be the least of your concerns.
To wrap things up, every conversation on Tinder, whether successful or unsuccessful, is an experience that you can use in future interactions. What matters most is that you don't give up and continuously improve your game so that not only your match enjoys a good time, but both of you do as well.
Read through our blogs for more content similar to this, and we wish you success in your dating endeavors!
Why do conversations on Tinder fizzle out?
Online dating works at an incredibly fast pace. Most people have multiple matches, which means they have to maintain conversations with multiple people at the same time. This isn’t sustainable, so they either don’t have the time to respond, they forgot, or have picked a specific match.
How can you tell if it's fizzling out?
If your Tinder match’s responses are short without any further engagement, late, and they stopped asking questions about you/your life, that’s a clear sign that things aren’t working out and that the conversation is fizzling out.
How do you know if someone is genuinely interested in you on Tinder?
Everyone is different, so everyone’s way of showing interest in you on Tinder will be different. However, the usual signs are increased interest in your life; they message you first, ask you about your date, and the biggest sign that someone is genuinely interested in you: they ask you out on a date.