How to Compliment a Girl’s Eyes in 15 Smooth Ways
If you're currently talking to someone who has these ever-gorgeous eyes but don't know how to say it, then take a look at this article as we provide you with helpful tips!

The eyes are one of the strongest, if not the best features on a girl’s face, and they know that very well. That’s why they go through all the trouble to emphasize their eyes with makeup. In other words, they want you to notice their eyes and compliment them. However, if you truly want to impress a girl, you’ll need to up your rizz.
That’s why we made this article to give you 15 different ways you can compliment a girl’s eyes.
Would Complimenting a Girl’s Eyes Be a Good Thing?
Yes, absolutely! As we already mentioned, girls will go through all kinds of trouble to make their eyes stand out as much as possible, so you better compliment them! The right compliment about her eyes will make her want you more than ever. So, let’s head over to the next section to find out exactly what is the best way to compliment eyes.
What are the Best Ways to Compliment a Girl’s Eyes?
The eyes have a lot of characteristics, so there is quite a lot you can work with when crafting your compliment. However, you’ll need to pay close attention to every detail about her eyes, because you wouldn’t want to mention the wrong color when you send your text, right?
But, don’t worry, with these 15 methods for complimenting below, you’ll know exactly what to say!
1. General Compliment On Her Eyes
She may not have a lot of photos on her profile, so you won’t know the exact color and shape of a girl’s eyes, and in that case, you can use simpler compliments.
- “Your eyes are very pretty!”
- “You have beautiful eyes!”
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2. Comment On The Color Of Her Eyes
The color of an eye is the first thing you notice which is probably why it is considered to be the eye’s strongest feature. So, your go-to compliment should always be regarding the color.
Check out her photos, or, if you’re meeting in person, take a deep look into her eyes and then comment on what you see.
- “I love how there are three different shades of blue in your eyes.”
- “You have the prettiest green-colored eyes I’ve ever seen.”
- “The color of your eyes is so unique, I can’t even explain it.”
3. Mention A Celebrity’s Eyes
Comparing a girl to a pretty celebrity is a pretty huge compliment by itself, but if you compare her eyes as well, that might be an even bigger plus!
- “Girl, Adriana Lima would be jealous of your eyes.”
- “There’s something about your eyes that reminds me of Mila Kunis, but yours are prettier!”
4. Compliment The Shape Of Her Eyes
There are quite a few different types of eye shapes including cat/upturned eyes, downturned eyes, round eyes, almond eyes, etc. All of these shapes have their own beauty, so deduce the type of eyes your girl has and use that for a compliment.
- “I love your cat eyes and your piercing look.”
- “I love your downturned eyes, easily the best eye shape there is.”
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5. Compliment Her Makeup
While this isn’t exactly a compliment for her eyes, it is something she worked hard on, so she’ll definitely appreciate it if you notice and commend her makeup work.
- “That eyeliner gives you a killer look and I love it.”
- “I don’t know anything about makeup, but I know that what you have going on is very good.”
6. Comment On Her Eyes’ Sparkle
Some eyes can have a lot more sparkle than others, so try to use this to compliment her eyes.
“I love how your eyes sparkle when you’re smiling.”
7. Use A Metaphor
Another easy way you can come up with a unique compliment is if you use a metaphor. Compare her eyes with something beautiful and you’ll definitely get a plus in her book.
- “Your eyes are as blue as the sea”
- “Your eyes are as dark as the space between the stars.”
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8. Mention The Way She Looks At You
The eyes are not just about their physical look. It’s also about what kind of message they send when they look at you.
- “You always look at me like you want I’m prey, but I low-key find it exciting.”
9. Go Into Detail
Every eye has its uniqueness! Some are darker, others lighter, some even have multiple colors if you look close enough. So, if you’re getting more intimate or you feel a closer connection, try to find these niche details of her eyes and use that for your compliment.
- “It’s amazing how your eyes change colors when you’re looking at the sun.”
- “Oh wow, I never noticed that you have a tint of [color] in your eyes. That makes them even more unique!”
10. Be Honest
If you can’t come up with a catchy compliment for her eyes, don’t overthink it. Instead, just be honest and keep it simple. Just compliment the first thing you see and think of when you look at her.
- “I just noticed that you have a very captivating gaze.”
Having a hard time telling the girl you're talking to that she has mesmerizing eyes? Better use our AI Profile Writer to help you out!
11. Use Emotions To Describe Her Eyes
Often people mention that eyes can show emotion, so let’s use this when you’re trying to compliment them.
- “Whenever I look at your eyes, I can always see kindness and warmth.”
- “The look in your eyes shows that you have lots of love in you.”
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12. Mention The Effect They Have On You
If you want a more unique method for complimenting eyes, you can try mentioning what kind of effect her eyes leave on you.
- “Whenever you look at me, I simply forget about anyone and anything else.”
- “Your gaze always takes me up on cloud nine.”
13. Compare Them To A Work Of Art
Considering just how unique and crazy an eye can be, why not compare it to a work of art?
- “Are your parents artists? Because your eyes are a work of art.”
- “God really is an artist because your eyes are a masterpiece.”
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14. Mention How They Complement Her Outfit
Yes, girls will go as far as trying to match their eyes with their outfits, and if you show them that you manage to pick that up, they’ll appreciate it.
- “Your eyes match your outfit so well!”
- “Wow, I just noticed that your outfit complements your eyes”
15. Look In Her Eyes When You Deliver Your Line
Finally, if you’re not texting and meeting up online, make sure to establish eye contact before you say your compliment. Do this to show her that you truly mean it.
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Is it appropriate to compliment a girl's eyes if we're not very close?
Yes, complimenting a girl’s eyes is fine even if you’re not very close. However, when you do, try to keep things casual. Don’t go into too much detail about her eyes.
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What are some common mistakes to avoid when complimenting a girl's eyes?
You can’t really go wrong when complimenting a girl’s eyes, but one common mistake is when you mention the wrong eye color. If she has blue eyes and you compliment her “green” eyes, you’ll just leave the impression that you don’t really pay attention.
How can I compliment a girl's eyes if she wears glasses?
If she wears glasses, you can still use any compliment related to eyes you can think of. However, if you want to specifically mention her glasses, you can say things such as: “Your glasses suit you very well”, “Your glasses bring out the sparkle in your eyes even more”, or “Your glasses are quite stylish and suit your eyes as well.”
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How do I know if my compliment about her eyes was well-received?
A well-received compliment is usually followed up by a giggle, or a laugh. Although some get shy whenever they receive a compliment, so keep that in mind as well.
If her response feels flat and unenthusiastic, then your compliment probably didn’t hit the spot.
How can I compliment a girl's eyes without making it awkward?
If you’re still early in the talking stage, you should avoid any compliments that are too deep or complicated. That will just make things complicated. Instead, just mention the color or shape of her eyes or just say that they’re pretty.
With this guide above, not only should you now have multiple methods for complimenting a girl’s eyes, but you also know exactly what to look for in a girl’s eyes. This will help you come up with your own unique compliments and ways to express your feelings.
But, one compliment on her eyes won’t win you over. You’ll need to do a lot more to leave a good impression, so consider checking out our blog for much more dating advice.
You could also use our AI Photos service to give your eyes that extra bit of shine to your photos. That way, you might even get a couple of compliments on your eyes as well!
Finally, if you want to take the conversation further, considering downloading our AI-powered Dating Assistant to optimize your online dating skills!