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How to Respond to "What's Up?" 35 Best Replies

Click to find out how to respond to "What's up?" and turn the conversational table over! Check out our top 35 picks and get immediate results.

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How to Respond to "What's Up?" 35 Best Replies

You just entered a new talking stage, and the conversations are, simply put, fire.

Except the next morning when you wake up to the dreaded “What’s up?” message from your crush.

Urgh. Now what?

The entire conversational burden is on you. 

Your response decides whether the conversation will come to a screeching halt or whether it’s going to turn into yet another thrilling back-and-forth of flirty texts.

Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this post, we’re going to share 35 ways to respond to "What's up?" that will keep the conversation going and possibly land you that date!

There are many ways to respond, so we've grouped our answers by category, focusing on the best, most common, friendly, flirty, and funny ways to respond to "What's up?". Depending on your intentions, just pick the style that fits your mood.

So, with no further ado, let's have a look at the replies you can use:

How to Respond to "What's Up?" Our 35 Top Picks

7 Best Responses to "What's Up?"

young woman asking someone "what's up?" on the phone
Source: Pexels.
  1. Just another day in paradise... How's it going for you?
  2. My mood, especially after seeing your message!
  3. I was fine until you asked- Now I'm great!
  4. Looking for trouble! Feel like joining?
  5. My Wi-fi signal! Is yours down?
  6. Counting the minutes until I see you.
  7. Waiting for you to give me a reason to smile!

Our short selection of the best ways to respond to "What's up?" includes examples from all of the categories below, from friendly ("Counting the minutes until I see you.") to flirty ("Looking for trouble! Feel like joining?").

As you can see, different response styles will impact the message's recipient differently, so reflect on how you want to be perceived before choosing one.

RECOMMENDED READ: How to Respond to "Hey" on Bumble

7 Common Responses

female replying to someone who asked her "what's up?" on the phone
Source: Pexels.
  1. Nothing much. What about you?
  2. Just chilling. You?
  3. Everything is awesome! Do you feel as great as I do?
  4. Relaxing after work; and you?
  5. On my way to the movies. Care to join?
  6. Happier than ever! What's new with you?
  7. Busy as usual! How's everything on your end?

Our common responses to "What's up?" should be pretty neutral and easygoing. They can be as simple as "Nothing much", and they tend to be a short description of whatever you're doing at the moment you receive the message.

If you want to keep the conversation going, make sure you include a follow-up question in your response, such as "What about you?" or "How's everything on your end?".

ALSO SEE: How to Respond to "What's Good?"

7 Friendly Responses

friends drinking beers and asking each other "what's up?"
Source: Pexels.
  1. Tough day today, but much better now that we're chatting.
  2. Just enjoying life! What about you?
  3. I'm cold, but your message just warmed me up!
  4. Not much! I was just thinking about you.
  5. All pretty boring until I heard from you!
  6. I'm great, what about you? Was hoping you'd reach out.
  7. So nice of you to ask! I'm great, what's up with you?

Friendly responses are perfect for answering someone you like but don't necessarily have romantic feelings for, like friends, family, co-workers, and so forth.

The examples above were created with this in mind, allowing you to come out as a nice and warm individual without going over the top.

LEARN MORE: Funny Hinge Messages to Land More Dates

7 Flirty Responses

man giving roses to a woman and asking her on a date after she said "what's up?"
Source: Pexels.
  1. Not much… But something IS up now that I'm thinking of you!
  2. Just wondering where our first date will be.
  3. Trying to keep it cool, but you're making it hard…
  4. Looking for some excitement. Any suggestions?
  5. Just waiting for you to ask me out…
  6. Oh, you know, just sitting here hoping you'd text me.
  7. My heart rate, especially after your message!

Flirty responses are a bit more daring and should be used when you're trying to get the attention of someone you're into. They're perfect for letting the other person know you have romantic feelings for them.

When using these responses, please be careful not to overdo it. They're okay for dating apps and blind dates, but you shouldn't just go flirty on that cute co-worker of yours out of nowhere…

RELATED ARTICLE: Flirty Emojis to Send Your Crush

7 Funny Responses

woman laughing from a funny response to "what's up?"
Source: Pexels.
  1. Oh, just the usual: chaos and confusion!
  2. My stress levels… What about you?
  3. Deciding whether to be productive or just scroll Instagram…
  4. Well, definitely not my bank balance…
  5. I was going to take over the world, but I guess we can just talk instead.
  6. My blood pressure, especially after talking to my boss!
  7. Acting like a sloth… What about you?

There's an art to making people laugh over text, and the funny responses to "What's up?" listed above can help you achieve just that.

Funny responses are great because they work for anyone—from friends to potential dates—and make for great conversation starters.

ALSO READ: Funny Pickup Lines That Work

Responding to "What's Up?" With YourMove's Chat Assistant

If you’d like more help coming up with a response to “what’s up” or would simply like to personalize your response, our AI Chat Assistant tool can help!

YourMove's Chat Assistant is a tool designed to generate responses to any message you might have received. Its main purpose is to help you get better at dating, but it can be used for many other purposes like helping you respond to those dreaded “What’s up?” texts!

This is how YourMove's AI Chat Assistant works:

screenshot of the interface of yourmove ai's chat assistant with message "what's up?"
  1. Open the Chat Assistant and enter the message you have received. If you don't feel like writing, you can upload a chat screenshot;
screenshot of the interface of yourmove ai's chat assistant where Funny was selected
  1. Set the response tone you're looking for by checking the options under the textbox. This time around, we decided to go for Funny. Then, press Get Ideas to generate three response suggestions;
screenshot of YourMove AI's chat assistant with suggested responses to "what's up?"
  1. Check out the responses generated by YourMove's Chat Assistant and pick your favorite. If none of the three suits you, just press More Ideas. If you're not happy about the tone of the responses, click on Start Over and try again using a different response style.

Not all love stories start with "What's up?", and that's why we recommend you check our other AI tools. They include YourMove's Profile Writer (for creating perfect dating app bios) and Photo Enhancer (for better-looking pics), and they will help you land more dates than ever!

How to Respond to "What's Up?" (FAQ)

How should I respond to "What's Up"?

You can respond with something simple like "Just chilling. You?", try a friendlier response such as "All pretty boring until I heard from you.", or go for something funny like "Just trying to survive adulting."

How to reply to "Wassup" in a flirty way?

To reply to "Wassup" in a flirty way, try using responses like "Not much… But something IS up now that I'm thinking of you!" or "Just wondering where our first date will be."

How to respond to a "just chilling" text?

You can respond to a "just chilling" text by asking a follow-up question or describing whatever you're doing at that moment.

How to respond to a flirty WYD?

You can respond to a flirty WYD with an equally flirty comeback such as "Looking for some excitement. Any suggestions?" or "Just waiting for you to ask me out…".

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Psst, want more personalized pickup lines?

YourMove’s AI can generate pickup lines that is sure to get her attention.

  1. Go to Chat Assistant
  2. Pick your tone - Flirty, Friendly or maybe Feisty?
  3. Copy & Paste your pickup line!
Chat AssistantScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Chat Assistant

Psst, have a terrible bio? Want to fix it?

YourMove’s AI creates bios that is sure to get her attention.

  1. Go to Profile Writer
  2. Pick your tone - Flirty, Thoughtful or maybe Feisty?
  3. Copy & Paste your bio!
Profile WriterScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Profile Writer

Psst, not getting enough matches? Get your profile reviewed

YourMove’s AI reviews your bio and photos and creates an improvement plan to get you more matches.

  1. Go to Profile Review
  2. Add your bio and photos
  3. Get your improvement plan!
Profile ReviewScreenshot of YourMove’s AI Profile Review